Is there any chance in the world that Dell will approve me for financing? I just began to rectify my CR. I don't want to get carried away here, I was shocked when I got approved for my first cell phone this past weekend. I just need to know if it is a hard/soft inquiry?? I don't want to try if it will show up on my CR. But I will try if it is definitely a soft inquiry....I am in dire need of a new computer. I have another posting if you want further info on my credit has all the details...Thanks much!
Do I bother to try? I don't much care about the interest rate, as I plan on paying it off in less than a year. Should I wait until next week when my final payment is made to my CA? Or should I wait until I finish clearing up my CR more? I have issues with one of my school loans. They have it listed as 120 + days past due, even thoguh it is not. That tradeline should show as "installment payments being made". Will it be better to wait until that is cleared up? this way it will show as being paid and by that time, my CA for my CC will be paid in full.... What do you think? Thanks in advance.
I was approved with 5 years post bk-13. Scores were at the 645 range. Pulled EXP (ILL) 26.99% If you are approved pay this off quickly. DFS does report, not monthly. I was approved in Nov of 2001 and DFS reported in Feb 2002, that was the last time it was reported. Best regards, Mirage
My Equifax score is a pathetic 488... Do I even bother trying? Who in their right mind would approve me for such an expense???...I feel as if I should wait until I finish paying off the CA and fix the tradeline for my student loan....Hopefully, it will bump my score up a little....what do you think? I am more scared of the rejected application then the high interest rate....I am in the process of clearing up the report, but according to my CR, it looks as if nothing has been done yet (I only started last month) Is it better to wait? Basically my question is, would they approve me with a FICo score of 488 (how terrible am I???)???? If not, how long should I wait to apply, once my CA is paid off and my school loan tradeline shows steady payment for 9 months (they still havent corrected the 120+ days past due on that acct), will this make a difference? Thanks again!
488 is pretty low. Not sure if a 100 pt. rise will even do it. I would wait until you hit the 640 range. Other posters may respond with a lower score to qualify. Best regards, Mirage
Don't burn an inquiry on it. It would be a waste of time. Just keep plugging along with your disputes and your time will come. Charlie
Thanks -- I 'll skip the inquiry and just save the cash for now--Like I said, I'll buy a new laptop battery and I'll be okay.....It's much cheaper anyhow! Thanks for all the advice guys!!!!!!!