I'm about to have an acct transfer for the refinancing of my car..plus 1 revolving and 1 retail card open in the next month. In addition I want to close a Aspire card I got because the annual fee is $75.00 and I have new cards now and I don't want to pay them the annual fee again. Any idea whats going to happen to my credit scores.
Hi Im still new at all of this but I use this simulator at Privacy guard it can kind of give you an idea how things may affect your scores....here is an explanation of how it works ..Good Luck Add the CreditXpert What-If Simulatorâ?¢ tool to any credit report with score, and see how certain actions you take can affect your credit score! You can experiment with making payments, transferring balances, opening or closing accounts, making credit inquiries, and more -- up to 17 different pre-defined scenarios! Powerful and easy-to-use, the CreditXpert What-If Simulatorâ?¢ gives you the information you need to make informed decisions about your credit. [Please note: Using this tool does not change your credit score or the information in your credit reports. The CreditXpert What-If Simulatorâ?¢ is a simulation tool.]