Will others send you one???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by greg1045, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    Question/comment: Whenever someone gets rejected by a credit card co. they usually send you a letter naming the CRA (s) that they say they pulled in determining their decision.
    Some name all 3 CRAs, some only one.
    Can you request a copy from all three even though the rejection letter only names one?
    Will the two not listed send you a free credit report even though they are not listed as a source by the credit card co. turning you down?
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    No, they're not bound to provide you with a free report in the situation you describe.
  3. Pale Rider

    Pale Rider Well-Known Member

    There are many other ways to get a free report from the other 2, even if they were not used in the current credit denial letter.

    * www.annualcreditreport.com - 1 free report from each CRA per year. Be aware that disputes from this report can take up to 45 days, rather than the usual 30.

    * You can get a free report for any adverse action including denial of credit, insurance and employment.

    * You can get a free report if you are unemployed and plan to look for work in the next 60 days.

    * You can get a free report if you receive welfare payments.

    * You can get a free report if you have an inaccurate report due to fraud, such as id theft.

    * If you live in Colorado, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, or Vermont you may be entitled to a free report.

    Equifax: 800-685-1111; www.equifax.com

    Experian: 888-EXPERIAN (888-397-3742); www.experian.com

    Trans Union: 800-916-8800; www.transunion.com

    The easiest way is to call the numbers and put in your information, and the system will tell you if you qualify for a free report.
  4. BillsFan

    BillsFan Well-Known Member

    I got identity monitor from citi bank the first 30 days are free, you just have to call them and cancel it. You get all three reports, I know some people try true credit and itâ??s hard to find the number to cancel and I think they give may only give you trans union for free if memory serves. I didnâ??t have a problem with citi identity monitor when I tried it out, you get their support number. The so called credit counselors are joke because they are based in Manila and barely speak English but outside of that it was okay. Not that I donâ??t think they could do the gig itâ??s just hard to counsel when there is a language barier. I actually kept it because itâ??s like $9 if you have a citi credit or debit card. They got some decent tools on there, a calculator that lets you see how your scores changes based on payments, the analyzer thing they all give you, they send you alerts like the other 3 in ones do as well. Here is the link if you want to check it out

  5. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    The one that most people miss is public assistance. I am not talking about food stamps, section eight housing, or SSI.

    If you have childern that go to a public school, you are technically receiving public assistance.

    You get the picture.

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