As I have posted I have had trouble getting my disability benefits. Finally 6,500 net monthly. Applied for cap one no hassle. Alt offered, 59 year with limit of 300-1000. Reason too many accounts, no balance transfers. I got ELoan 30000 7.3, not bad but I do not even think I want a new car. Chase came through with Cont Div Card 5000, and second BOA with USAir and 3500. I wish I felt good. No they won't even write insurance if you have diabetes/ A little message to all you young guys --credit is great but if your health sucks, so what
you are so right. my dh is diabetic and i thank god every day for my health insurance that covers him. it is good to look at credit from an over all perspective. I hope things continue to go well for you and that your health improves.