Wingspan, G&L or any of th

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by David, Mar 18, 2000.

  1. David

    David Well-Known Member

    Do these online banks (or any others) allow you to use your credit card to deposit into your checking or savings accounts directly as a merchant transaction?

    Thanks in advance for responses.
  2. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    RE: Wingspan, G&L or any o

    Do any of these or any others allow you to puchase S&P Index funds in amounts of $10?
    Do they pay monye market interest on no minimum deposits?

    Thanks for any responses.
  3. Steven Z

    Steven Z Guest

    RE: Wingspan, G&L or any o

    Do any of these others freeze your account with no warning and no recourse?

    Do they change the rules and regulations monthly, weekly?

    Enough of these leading questions.
  4. David

    David Well-Known Member

    RE: Wingspan, G&L or any o

    I was asking a serious question, not a leading one. I wanted to know if the other banks had anything like what Xcom was offering. I intend to close my Xcom account.
  5. Steven Z

    Steven Z Guest

    RE: Wingspan, G&L or any o

    In that case the answer is no. X.Com has all the flash the others have the competence, stability and good customer service though some of them do offer one or two of these.

    No need to close your account, just keep your initial free $20 like I do and wait and see if this bank shapes up or goes under.
  6. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    RE: Wingspan, G&L or any o

    Thanks. That was the answer I was looking for. I am making money on their money. Take for what it is. Play the money game and prosper.
  7. Steven Z

    Steven Z Guest

    RE: What to do with your X.COM

    Unfortunately, that was never an option with me as my overdraft was only $200 (now $100) else I surely would have enjoyed the 9%+ savings.

    I opened an account because it was easy and hassle-free (the $20 was a nice bonus and CheckSystems was never a factor) and was planning to use them to pay bills online, that is when they institute it.

    I am truly curious as to what is the smallest amount they have frozen, so far all reports have been over 1k but if I start hearing about lower than that then I will bail myself.

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