Wonder if CRAs monitor this board?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DemPooches, Jul 2, 2002.

  1. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    And if programming errors might be corrected as a result?

    That would be a shame....

  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    The most watch thread on Creditnet brought up that same question. Charlie
  3. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    I must have missed the programming issue in it.
  4. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    I'm sure that they cruise by here every once in a while (compliance managers and so on and so forth), but I doubt that they have the time to sit here and go through the the hundreds of posts a day. And if they do, they should be spending that time actually SOLVING our problems rather than reading about them.

    Note to CA's and Collectors and CRA's:
    If you are reading this board, STOP and go deal with our issues. Little do you know that while you are sitting here reading, we are piling violation on top of violation. Just do your job and we'll be happy that you attempted to "help".

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  6. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    So it appears the early consensus is that the board is monitored?

    Was my first post in this thread too subtle or am I the only one who's been silent on a particular (somewhat popular) topic for fear of "losing out on a good thing?"

    (This question is not intended to have a smart*** tone, it's a sincere question.)

  7. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    DemPooches...e-mail me. My e-mail is on. I think I know what you are referring to, but I'd like to talk about it via e-mail.
  8. JohnOG

    JohnOG Well-Known Member

    There's more than just "monitor the board" to be aware of. In a previous post George included the following thread from 9/01:


    The first 2 messages read:

    The last message is the one to be concerned about, since as breeze and many others mentioned in the above thread, we have a legal right to express our views and opinions. Thanks for this board and thank God for that!

    Maybe it was an overzealous individual or maybe not, but it's not that difficult to zero in. The key is the IP address, which is visible. With that, they can trace the city you are originating from. In LKH's case, maybe the specific posts tied to the IP address, helped zero in. But there's more.

    Let's suppose that you receive an e-mail from someone you don't know. If you don't respond, no problem. Ever get an e-mail that says: "hey are you Doe", anything to get you to respond and you replied back, "No, I think you have the wrong Doe". However, if you do, your IP address gets forwarded back. Again more proof and if it is the same - bingo more proof it's you. If that e-mail address is the same you gave one of the CRB's - Yikes!

    If this all seems far fetched, there is a case of a man that had his software pirated before he had a chance to copyright it. The individual that pirated it impersonated someone else. Through the use of tracing the IP address and E-mails, he was able to prove who it was. He took the pirate to court and won - it was admisable evidence. Again, it would take a lot of effort to do that, but can it be done - yes!

    Psychdoc (I don't remember the thread) recently discovered someone that had posted on this board that was praising a credit repair service company and how odd it was where he was located as well as his board name and the owner of the repair service. Doc posted some interesting info about this trace routing and brought something to light. Maybe he'll comment on it.

    Does the CRB's have a dedicated quasi CIA checking this and other boards with a fine tooth comb, probably not. Do some of us read other boards, probably and so might some of them. Can they or someone in their company focus on someone here, you bet! Just thought I shed some light on this to open up our eyes.
  9. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    Thanks rblues, email has been sent.

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