Woo Hoo! Last Derog Gone!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by spiderman, May 9, 2002.

  1. spiderman

    spiderman Well-Known Member

    TU finally got the last derog (CC charge off from 2/98) off the report! Which for those who have been reading my adventure, know this was quasi-not mine anyway. It was an AU from a previous marriage where the ex-spouse let it get charged off, 8 years after we were divorced. It has followed me till now, but no longer.

    Here was the process with TU/Equifax on this:

    1. Initial dispute letters to both. Equifax deleted on first attempt. TU said it was verified. At the same time I sent an Overnighter to OC demanding my signature on a contract for this account. Never heard anything back from OC (60+ days now)

    2. I sent a procedure letter to TU, demandnig the procedure they performed in verifying this account.

    3. TU sent back their form letter, the "Are you using a Credit Repair Company" and a letter saying they would reinvestigate.

    20 days later (today) TU responded with an account deletion.

    Some curiousness about the whole thing with TU... they initial verification took them exactly 30 days, saying it was verified and stays.

    I "called them to the mat" and asked how. They re-open the investigation and magically they can't verify what they said they verified, less than 30 days prior. Me thinks they told a big fib the first time.

    I also think that TU thought I wouldn't take it any farther (oops, I guess its mine, I'll take it in the butt!)... Once I did call them to the mat, they actually did their job.

    So... for those who received the "here is our generic procedure" letter from TU, keep pressing the issue, make them do their jobs!

    Good luck!
  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Way to go spiderman!! Charlie
  3. monicagee

    monicagee Well-Known Member

    Great News!!!. I have one nasty little deg from 96' , have been unsuccessful at getting it removed.
  4. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    Awesome job. Congrats!!
  5. uhackthis

    uhackthis Well-Known Member

    Way to go Spidey! You are my hero!

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