I just logged into CE and much to my suprise, my score had gone up 15 points. I said to myself...self...something obviously has occured that is beneficial to my credit health. So I pull up my report and lo and behold...Experian deleted THREE of my derrogatory accounts!!!!!! OMG...I only have two left!!!! I am so excited!!!! I'm just left wondering what exactly it is that is killing my scores. With the 15 points, it is just now up to 594. I have one charge-off for $1255 that is six years old (although it was reaged by EX to show only three years old) and one collection for $51 that is six years old. I have thirteen positive tradelines with the oldest being in 1995 (student loan) and my oldest credit card is from 1998. Is it the charge off or the collection? I'm not complaining because I am getting there...but does anyone have any clue why I'm still in the 500 club? Thanks for listening! Laura
Congrats!!! BTW It's the charge off thats killing you. Nail EXP for allowing them to reage and send them an old report. I had a $125 charge off that was 4 years olf and when it was deleted my score went up almost 100 points!
Congratulations, whyspers! As to why your score isn't higher, CE has a "Credit score analysis" screen under their "Credit score tools" section, sorta like how myfico.com lists the top four things bringing down your score (only CE's reasons aren't quite the same as FICO's reason codes; in fact, some of their reasons don't really have any FICO equivalent). Keep up the good work, wajaba
Experian is the one that reaged it...well...kind of. When I first started this journey, this account was listed twice. Once with a fall off date of 2-2003 and the other with a fall off date of 2-2005. When I disputed them initially as duplicates, they removed the one that showed 2-2003 (of course they did!). I did dispute again and sent them a copy of a previous report...along with TU and Equifax's report (with all other accounts blacked out) showing that it had been reaged. They sent me a letter saying that wasn't good enough and they were conacting the original creditor...which happens to be Cross County (yuk!). I am counting on the collection coming off pretty easily (just sent my third letter to the CA...estoppel letter and filed a complaint with the BBB...will be filing a Complaint if it doesn't come off this round which ends in 14 days)...so at that point, I am thinking that as a last resort, I'm going to file suit against EX for their MANY infractions and violations and get the charge off removed that way. I'm bouncing off the walls I'm so excited!!!! L
Oh...btw...they list the reasons for my score as (but they gave me five reasons instead of four...lol): â?¢ Presence of derogatory information (such as collection, charge-off, or bankruptcy) on your credit profile â?¢ The average length of time since your accounts were opened is less than five years â?¢ The outstanding balances on your revolving accounts are greater than the average in your credit category â?¢ Application for credit made in the last six months â?¢ The percentage of the loan amount still owed on your installment loans (other than real estate loans) opened in the last 12 months is greater than the average in your credit category
Whyspers- I believe the estoppel states you are allowing them an additional 15 days, not 30. Re-read the one you sent, cause who knows you might be able to file suit NOW!
Sorry KMH...I'm babbling...lol. I *just* sent the estoppel letter to the CA, but I had disputed with EX two weeks prior to that. I had sent the CA two pior requests for validation. Last report I received yesterday from EX was showing the JCP deletion and showed this account and the three that were just deleted as pending and due 3/13 and 3/15 respectively. Sorry I wasn't clearer! Thank you so much for sharing in my excitement! L
Good Job And when you are getting closer to higher scores, the LAST negative counts alot. My last one on TU deleted the other day for 138 points and it was 4.5 yrs old (PAID) collection for $179.