An account no longer reads "medical", instead it says "Child Family Services" To me it automatically says PSYCHOLOGICAL / PSYCHIATRIC. Does anyone else read this as a HIPAA violation? I'm already in dispute with this group for the alleged debt anyhow but how do I approach this with the CRA? Can I just notify them that this TL title violates HIPAA?
Have you already disputed this with the CRA?If not, do so.Do NOT dispute it as a HIPAA violation, just as "not mine, no such account with this creditor for this date in this amount" Once you receive verification from the CRA, you can then use the HIPAA letter to the OC Health Care Provider. It MIGHT be a HIPAA violation for BOTH the OC and the CA, however, that would depend on how (or IF) it is verified. I do not suggest any further disputes with the CA at this point, as it MIGHT reduce your leverage in getting the OC to withdraw the account from them.