wow. 26 point loss on TU

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by picantel, Nov 5, 2002.

  1. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    Ok today is the day all my changes happen with TU. I log on and of course no bumpage today but I notice my score is now down to a 622 which is 26 points less than last night. I went through my report very carefully and the only difference is a $71 balance out of $1500 on my best buy card. My negative #2 has now become too many accounts with a balance. It is unbelievable that a mere 71 could do so much damage but it appears so. Oh well I already paid it back so now I gotta wait another month for an update.
  2. hurleee

    hurleee Well-Known Member

    wow, that's a lot for such a small amount. Imagine the damage people are doing who know nothing about credit. I keep bugginh my mom to let me fix up her credit, she wants to get a loan in the spring to add on to the house, but she feels like she has no control. anyaway, good thing you caught it and it's already paid.
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    TU is all messed up! I used to get the reason about not enough retail cards or something like that, so I got the Target retail card. I had a $50 balance and it told me balance on retail accounts too high. I paid it down and it was reporting as zero and it still told me balance on retail accounts too high. Huh??? I think they look at the Target Visa as a retail account...I had about a $350 balance on that one and that is the only thing I can figure that could have caused it.

  4. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    I got the "not enough retail" on my TU. Well after I got another retail, it now says "too many cards with a balance". I am sure if I pay everything to zero, it will come back with "not enough activity". I don't let it bother me anymore. You will always have reason codes.
  5. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    a month ago my TU was 724. Now it is 622. IT keeps getting nicked at until it probably hits the 500s soon and that is with no negatives. My mortgage and line of credit and a $1500 retail card still have not hit. At least last week with a 659 I was somehow approved for a 20k loan. I am still fainting about that. I am gonna use it to pay off my other mortgage line of credit with a 2% lower interest rate and knock off my credit card
  6. MEMBER5

    MEMBER5 Well-Known Member

    I received my Citi card in Sept, did a BT of $1593/$3200 and paid it off in Oct. In Nov it finally showed up on TU and my scored dropped 71 points. I guess because of the 50% B/L ratio. I disputed it immediately as I read somewhere that Citi takes 3 months to update. I'm still waiting for it to show EX...

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