WOW I'm UNsecured!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ih8debt, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    I just called Orchard Bank - my oldest CC (since 2000) I wanted to find out what it takes to get an unsecured card...and behold - "your card IS unsecured" - the CSR praised me for my perfect payment history and filled out the paperwork to get my deposit sent back to me!!

    I can hardly contain my joy!
  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    congratulations! you are on your way!

    <<i can't even get secured :(>>
  3. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! It feels great doesn't it! It's amazing the effect on your self esteem when you hit these milestones!

    Keep it up....the premier cards will be next!!
  4. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Thanks you guys! It does feel good.
    I was imagining what to do with my deposit, then I slapped myself - it's going right into my savings account (I am NO fun!)
  5. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    why not open another secured card with a different lender like BofA? I've heard they unsecure after one year.

    If you chose to sock it into a savings account, i hope it is ING whose rates are 3% right now!
  6. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Jenz - I know when I tell you who I have high yield savings and money market with you'll gag!

    Ready for this? CapOne *ducking* (I know how you adore them!)

    Hoping at the end of the year to transfer to my bank so it will be easier to make deposits (with CapOne MM, I have to mail deposits and with HYS I can transfer online but it takes 5 business days to post)

    Once my utilization on my current CC's (now at <1%) hit my credit reports, my FICO's should be up around 700 (fingers crossed there too) Not sure with EX but it should be high 600's. I'm going to apply for a store card - I think I'm going to lay off CC's until I get a really good offer on one.
  7. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    LOL! That is too funny. i may not like them but i realize they have been good to others. i'm just a demanding individual :):):)

    I bank with USBank - and they have been good to me. I refuse to bank where i work - partly because i don't want coworkers knowing my business, but when you know too much "behind the scenes" it can taint you! and it is good to bank with a national lender so if you travel, move, etc, you can usually locate a branch.

    i have my savings with ING - love them.

    i also have accounts with a bunch of banks where i got a discount on the rate of a loan by opening an account.
  8. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    maybe eventually i will get my score back up to where i am able to get a subprime offer - LOL.

    congrats on your success!
  9. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: WOW I'm UNsecured!


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