WTF are my DOLAS?!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MaxedOut, Aug 15, 2004.

  1. MaxedOut

    MaxedOut Active Member

    I apologize if this is obvious, but I have read and read and read and I am still unsure what the DOLAs on my CC charge-offs are.

    They are all different on my 3 CRs.

    I do not have my old statements to tell me, and even if I did, I'm not sure exactly which date to use.

    I am afraid to request them from the OCs because I am still within the SOL and all collection activity has stopped - I don't want to draw attention to myself.

    Bad credit is ruining my life and I want to get started trying to fix things - I just want to know when the SOL is up so I can dive in.

    Thanks in advance.

    PS I'm in Cali - SOL is 4 years.
  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    The best 'complete' reports to find your DOLA's are on EX, and EQ.

    EX its in the account history column, the date which shows the 30 days late before the account was COed.

    EQ its more than likely labeled as date of delinquency (or similar) if included, or likewise if the account shows a payment history record.
  3. ca0me15

    ca0me15 Banned

    The Date of Last Activity (DOLA) is practically irrelevent.

    The consumer reporting agencies use this as a tactic to confuse the consumer.

    The statutes governing the reporting period, and I am assuming that's what you are intersted in, do not even mention DOLA.

    The only relevent dates are the DATES OF ORIGINAL DELINQUENCY. This is the start date of the 7-10 year reporting period for negative info on your credit report.

    I do agree that one or two of the major CRA's do list the first 30 day late in the "payment history", BUT unless the first 30 day late is within the last 2-3 years, it is not reliable info to use for an "obsolete" listing.

    The "Metro 2 Format" by which most CRA's use to process info about consumers, REQUIRES the "furnisher of information" to provide the ORIGINAL DATE OF DELINQUENCY."

    39. Question: Are there any special reporting requirements for a first time
    reporter when sending data to the consumer reporting agencies?
    Answer: It is very important to ensure that the FCRA Compliance/ Date of First
    Delinquency is reported accurately.
    When historical credit information is reported in the Payment History Profile (Field
    18), the Date of First Delinquency must reflect the date of the first delinquency that
    led to the earliest delinquency reported in the Payment History Profile. In this
    situation, the Date of First Delinquency must be reported, regardless of the
    Account Status Code being reported."

    Seems to me if they report without including the "original date of delinquency", AND YOU DISPUTE IT WITH THE CRA, both the furnisher and the CRA could be liable for not conducting a reasonable investigation

    PS- I have the instruction manual for the Metro 2 if anyone needs it.

  4. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    With only one small caveat for pursuing violations, the FCRA requires the furnishers to provide the date within 90 days of the information. Day 91, all bets are off.

    A violation for the furnisher to have not provided the date and a violation for the CRA having nothing in place to ensure that the date has been provided and that information is removed when it hasn't been.


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