wtf? Just dropped 30 points for no reason

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cjd260, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. cjd260

    cjd260 Member

    I've been pretty careful about my credit for the past 18 months or so, ever since I started getting my professional life back on track. I monitor with Bank of America's PrivacyAssist, and I'm only going on what they're telling me, so it's possible that there aren't my real scores, but...

    ...I'd steadily worked up to Eq: 682, Exp: 674, TU: 702, and was actually feeling good about myself - enough to score an Amex (Delta) card and feel like I could get a mortgage in a year or two. Anyway, without any warning, I just got an email saying I could check my new credit scores (they recalculate quarterly), and now I'm at 674, 639, 673. No warning, nothing saying anything had been reported.

    Looking at the calculations, it looks like Chase just (1/2009) reported a 90-days-late payment on a credit card I had with them years ago; it's listed as occurring in 1/2007 though I firmly believe this must have been 2005 at the latest. Is it possible that's responsible for the 30-point drops? Is this from the 2009 FICO rebalancing? Anything I can do about it? I seriously don't know how to tell my wife that my credit is shot again.
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Well, it's still not that bad but, yes, you can certainly attribute it to the Chase late. That's a killer.

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