Maybe I'm insensative but if she's got the time & skills to put together that web site she can sure as heck get a part time job. Why wouldn't she qualify for a HUD home, FHA loan or 100% financing. In my area their are so many programs for her income level that will GIVE her a downpayment. I think the site is just BS. Just my.02 EdG
I don't begrudge anyone for trying this type of thing, but it's really kind of a slap in the face to all those hard working people out there that have too much self respect to stoop like that. When there are people right here in the USA starving, I think i'd rather give my money to charities that try to help that, rather than some whiney ass people bitching about not being able to come up with a down payment on a house.
Is she aware that they are several home loans for 0% down and paid closing costs? With rent of $1100/mo they should be able to find a really nice house. How sad that self sufficiency is a lost word in this woman's vocabulary. Dani
Here an idea It's not a real website and I need money too. That's just how easy it is. I agree, there are plenty of people who have been hurt by this economy but you don't see them pan-handling on the internet. I say work 2 jobs, work at McDonald's do what you have to pay the bills. I know 1 thing, they won't get any of my money. Charity begins at home.
You have to feel sorry for her. NOT!!!! It has been 3 months since she had a starbucks coffee. A mochachino is $4.25 here. Anyone that spends that much for what is basically a fancy coffee, had no business whining about their financial situation. Obviously she has no idea how to live cheaply and save for her home.
I will say that it is better then giving money to some "chick" that spent to much money on Prada shoes.
Hi Come on guys....I think savekaryn is pretty funny.. gettting in debt is not a light subject BUT sometimes its either a laugh or cry situation...we have all (I assume I'm making a safe decision) made finacial mistakes. In our society it is easy to get sucked up into living outside our means especially if your young with no real resposibility (like family) besides your own bills. In Karens case at least she is trying to make money selling on ebay...not just out right begging like We all could have a website like that !!! geez... there are more creative ways to make a legit buck..... Jamie
Thats was just too pathetic. I cxannot believe I wasted my time actually reading it (I must really be bored) -Sal
Hi Come on guys....I think savekaryn is pretty funny.. gettting in debt is not a light subject BUT sometimes its either a laugh or cry situation...we have all (I assume I'm making a safe decision) made finacial mistakes. In our society it is easy to get sucked up into living outside our means especially if your young with no real resposibility (like family) besides your own bills. In Karens case at least she is trying to make money selling on ebay...not just out right begging like We all could have a website like that !!! geez... there are more creative ways to make a legit buck..... Jamie
You're right. This is a PITIFUL site. Here are my reasons why: Karyn adopted a persona and stuck with it. She would never call her site "silly" like this helpusbuyahouse woman did. Karyn's writing conveys someone who is charming, funny, fun, upliftingly optimistic, and creative. Incidentally, I could say all of that about the guys as well -- they are HILARIOUS. On the other hand, the helpusbuyahouse woman is someone who is trying to be funny. About the best she can do is ask if there shouldn't be a holiday for Oprah. Woo, hoo, what a knee-slapper. Karyn makes fun of herself yet professes to do things differently going forward. This helpusbuyahouse woman says nothing about wanting to modify her spending. Instead, she portrays herself as a victim. No new job is in the offing. No plan. While Karyn maintains a witty daily log of how she's saved money every day (yesterday she ate a neighbor's salmon), this house hag (ok, kudos to Cyprigirl wherever she is, RIP) just threatens to put up pictures of her kids. HER KIDS. THE LADY IS APPARENTLY CONSIDERING EXPLOITING HER CHILDREN AS PART OF HER BEGGING CHARADE. :uke:: Moreover, the house hag needs to learn how to use spellcheck. Her site tries my patience. Her whole spiel reeks of haggy-ness. Get this: "I want to walk around in my underwear if I want to, or leave a few toys on the floor and not worry about my landlord coming over to check on the heater or fuss around in the yard." OOOH, that makes me want to send her money, let me tell ya! Ok, I'll stop. ::vomit:: Doc P.S. By the way, bopitbop, where did you find this site!? I notice its domain name was just registered YESTERDAY.
By the way, you and the house hag both misuse the words "then" and "to" in exactly the same ways, LOL. Check out her site and see for yourself!! No wonder you think her site is better than Karyn's; you are fellow grammarians (forgive me). Doc P.S. Bopitbop, your first posts on Creditnet were today. I note that two of the four were about Another was a quick one-liner about an online Experian dispute from 39 days ago -- where have you been all this time, old-timer? The fourth posting was another quick one-liner where you mentioned you've been trying the LKH trick for Equifax inquiry deletions but only have had soft ones removed so far. So... let's see... you just showed up today... with a comment about something posted here yesterday... and with knowledge of LKH's trick... and with apparently a lot of Experian experience. Very interesting!
Okay, I know I'm going to sound insensitive, but reading that site just fried my gravy! Instead of sitting on my beeeeeeeehind watching Oprah, this gal, (mind you I was a single Mom of 2 at the time with nary any help, alimony or child support): 1) Bought clothe diapers and washed them myself every night. When they started to get "holey" from care, I doubled and tripled them to keep my little one's bottom dry and warm.) 2) Made my own baby food by boiling and straining the fruits and veggies myself. 3) Did sewing and tailoring for my neighbors and co-workers in the evenings and weekends. 4) Helped pay the day care bill in part by cleaning and scrubbing the building in the evenings and Sundays. 5) Took 3 buses to get to work (didn't have a car, nor a heavy Winter coat, but I made sure my children were bundled up. Used to put a clear plastic over the stroller to keep the wind and rain out.) 6) Didn't own a vacuum, so I swept the carpet and floors every day. (I know SOMEBODY out there knows what that's like!) 7) Entertainment? My older son once made us a jigsaw puzzle by cutting crazy pieces of a used magazine. I never laughed so hard, nor had so much fun! I made cookie dough logs (added peanut butter for volume) and stored them for "baking lessons", now a family tradition. Didn't have a washer or dryer, but the apartment complex did, so I'd bundle my kids up (the baby on top of the laundry basket) and took them with me while we had sing-alongs and did homework with the older one. I took one pair of my older son's jeans and cut them into cool athlete shapes that he liked ... baseballs, bats, soccer balls, tennis racquets, etc. Then I fabric-glued them onto the worn places in his not-so-old jeans and hand-sewed the details onto them. I thought he'd be embarassed, but he came home from school with messages from his friend's Mom's asking where I'd got his cool jeans. I made Halloween costumes out of Reynold's Wrap, scrap fabric, glitter, glue, whatever. They got raves for being so original and we all had lots of fun planning and making them. Still have the photos! It took a week after work each year and they looked forward to it. Got an old picnic table from a yard sale and bartered to have it delivered to our apartment. Then I spray painted it red, yellow and blue, shelacked it(sp?), put it in our tiny dinette area and we pretended dinner time was picnic time most nights! We had fresh flowers every day except in Winter and early Fall, because we made a game of picking them on the way home when I walked them from day care (bus didn't go that direction in the evenings and yes, it was uphill all the way back home.) Little daisies, posies and some other stuff. I felt guilty for feeding them oatmeal every morning, because I thought it was so monotonous and as a child, I myself had hated oatmeal! Sugar was expensive, so I'd used canned fruit in syrup and save the sugar for sweet iced tea. But my teenage kids still cook it for themselves most mornings. They like it--I STILL hate it! We had family time around the wood-burning fireplace to save on heating bills (although my kids thought it was just because it was so darned fun!) I froze empty plastic margerine bowls in the fridge to keep the refridgerator from running so often (it was only later I learned that this was actually a recommended action!) I walked so much, I wore flats and sneakers to and from work before it was fashionable and still have the calluses and bunions to prove it. We finger painted with leftover Easter egg dye (actually, just food coloring and vinegar--pretty cheap in those days). At Christmas I'd get a big fat orange and carve the peeling off into one orange-shaped piece and place on the fireplace hearth, just as though Santa had done a little widdling and orange-eating on his stop at our place. (My kids thought it was magical and that Santa only did it for them!) I put an old wind chime outside their windom eaves each Christmas Eve. They always swore it was Santa coming and they'd dashed off to bed with excitement! Ever had cheese-rice? So far as I know, I invented it that night my paycheck was late. I was counting on that check and all there was in the apartment was some Jevicho Long Grain Rice and a clock of cheddar. Caught my 17 year old trying to reproduce it a couple of months ago! Ever had barbecue stewed? Ask me about it sometime. It was cheap, imaginative and verrrrry tasty. I used to washed my hosiery in water and vinegar, then freeze it wet in the fridge. I promis you ladies, I don't know why it works, but I seldom got runs and could a couple of months of just 2 or 3 pairs! I cut the boys' hair; mine, too. And did my own styling. Years later, when I didn't have to do my own any more I went to a fancy place and had one of those $150 jobs. Ha! I'm back to doing my own. (Hair stylists' idea of "just 1/4 inch" and mine are light years apart!) I was a regular at Home Depot. Used to walk the 4 blocks to it and buy caulk and such each Fall to Winterize. Kept the heating bills down, my kids room comfy and Ole Man Winter at bay. That was then. Today I own HD stock. Took me 2 solid hours one night to install the Hunter auto-thermostat I bought at HD once I read that would save on bills. I sat on my kitchen floor propping up the instructions on cardboard boxes trying to figure it out (it's the only item I regret leaving in that condo once I moved on!) I remember bringing home $1,700 a month, paying $850 for rent, $300 for day care and finally had a car note of $265. The rest went to food and such. Went to the dollar matinees to break the monotony. Smuggled in our own popcorn and juice boxes in a big ole shoulder bag. (Actually a knitting bag). Taught myself knitting to quit smoking and made my kids' sweaters, mitts and scarfes that year. They still have them, especially love my crazy "first-tries" for the ski slopes! Used to cook a whole week's meals on the weekend, freeze it, make the kids lunches for Monday and be done with it for the week. It was cheaper, gave us time to spend together and nutrituous to boot! Wanted to move up, so I taught myself to use a computer keyboard by coloring one onto the inside of a cardboard box using pen, ink and Crayolas. Spent the mad money on a paperback book called "WordStar Without Tears". Worked for 21 different temp agencies, the same year, trying to get free training (did it!) and better skills (did it!) and experience and higher pay (did it! Left the IT industry earning $90k smackers and that was 7 years ago with no college degree in IT!) Bought my first house on my own with my savings and 20% down. Had no dang furniture for 2 years other than beds, a sofa and a $40 glass and chrome dinette set I picked up at a church bazarre and hauled off in pieces in my second-hand, stick-shift hatchback. So excuuuuuuuse me, but not one thin dime will they get out of me! <Soapbox Off!>
Ohnostuck: the last person who posted the link mistakenly put a period (.) after the ".com"... so just type it into your browser or click the first link in this thread. By the way... a little research revealed a whole host of deadbeats on the net. Here's a few more... Wish for a Dollar Page: Send Me on an African Safari: Please Send Me Money: Send Steve on a Holiday: Cash4Me: Two Academic Beggars: Gimme A Buck Please: Buddy Can You Spare A Dime Webhandler: Charity.Artificial.Com: Guitar Kid: Buy Me a Gibson SG Special: The Amazing Send Me a Quid: Make Me Richer Than Bill Gates: Give Me Money -- The Useless Site You Pay For: -- For Those Who Feel Guilty About Their Racism: Guru Jeff Trades Enlightment for Donations: Work Sucks, Support Me: B. Fatt & Lazy Scam: The Internet Squeegee Guy: Holy Temple of Mass Consumption: Save The Suburbanites: (Special note: the webmaster thinks she's a model, ack, click her link of pics) Lord help us. Doc
Doc you have WAAAAAAAAAAAAY to much time on your hands. I still do not see the buy a house site but these are bad. ROFL
Hope's story put a tear in my eye! You go girl! I had no idea this internet pandhandling thing was such a huge phenomenon!!!! People are begging for money out there left and right. I think Doc made the definitive list for them lol
Lol, thanks for the links, Doc. Not only did I get a good laugh...I am reminded that I may be in debt, but at least I have my dignity.