
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by river, Mar 3, 2001.

  1. river

    river Well-Known Member

    frequent flyer???? Check out this site.
  2. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    How you been River

  3. river

    river Well-Known Member

    Re: How you been River

    Wassup? Still getting frustrated with this credit-repairing project. But can say that I am slowly getting there. Have to remind myself when I get aggravated that: Rome was built in a day. How have you been? Had my binoculars out the other day and thought you were waving at me,but instead you were waving at MP$40.Just joking. I am quite a ways from you,Georgia/Flordia border.Beautiful wheather here.Between "Bike Week" in Daytona and the private beaches,I have great plans on working that "toy" Amex Optima card. CYA.
  4. river

    river Well-Known Member

    Re: Rome wasn't built in a day

  5. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Daytona BIKERS

    I HAVE EXPERIENCED BIKE WEEK in Daytona - I was there two
    yrs ago - by accident.

    I was wearing a Monterey CA "DIVE" Tshirt and cutoffs. :)
    Of course EVERYONE is in LEATHER, and all are straight as heck.

    Some big biker tried to sell me a leather vest - here's what I said:

    I will not buy that vest for 3 reasons:

    1 - I am not into leather, anymore than, say, denim.
    2 - I don't have a HARLEY - I drive a Maxima - with leather
    3- I live in San Francisco alone - what does that tell you?

    The guy went back inside :)
    cya dogman

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