X.com - Credit cut? Anyone? hm

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sam, Mar 17, 2000.

  1. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Makes you wonder. If x.com is going to cut any credit lines. Anyone been a victim yet?

  2. Steven Z

    Steven Z Guest

    RE: X.com - Credit cut? Anyone

    Not so far, I still have my "glorious" $200 credit line. Perhaps they are only cutting those with limits above $1000? We'll find out soon enough.
  3. David

    David Well-Known Member

    RE: X.com - Credit cut? Anyone

    Today (17th)is the cutoff day. It would be interesting to note how many accounts of those with outstanding balances will show their credit lines reduced by tomorrow.
  4. Caroline

    Caroline Guest

    RE: X.com - Credit cut? Anyone

    if you read their email letter, anybody with a balance WILL NOT have their credit lines decreased. Whats the big deal anyways? Most banks now adays want you to pay a fee each month for gold checking which will offer overdraft protection. this is a free service and how many banks do you know that will give back your atm charges back. this bank has really cheap fees. and also think about if you make a deposit from your credit card. they do not put it down as a cash advance. this is a wonderful bank. and i love it.
  5. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    RE: X.com - Credit cut? Anyone

    Credit line was cut in half to $500. I was not using it. I still think they offer a good service.

  6. David

    David Well-Known Member

    RE: X.com - Credit cut? Anyone

    I took the below Xcom announcement to mean that debt to their card would not be reduced by 50% above the new credit line.

    "Second, while the interest rate you pay on outstanding credit balances will NOT be changed at this time, on March 17 all credit limits will be reduced by 50%, or to a maximum of $1,000. (Accounts with outstanding credit balances above those amounts will be maintained at the total balance drawn on March 16.)"


    Caroline wrote:
    if you read their email letter, anybody with a balance WILL NOT have their credit lines decreased. Whats the big deal anyways? Most banks now adays want you to pay a fee each month for gold checking which will offer overdraft protection. this is a free service and how many banks do you know that will give back your atm charges back. this bank has really cheap fees. and also think about if you make a deposit from your credit card. they do not put it down as a cash advance. this is a wonderful bank. and i love it.
  7. Steven Z

    Steven Z Guest

    RE: X.com - Credit cut? Anyone

    Sure enough mine was cut to $100, pfff what a joke.

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