Re: Re: Ya gotta LOVE CA's... >If the OC personally made the print out, then the print out would be validation jam237 ========================== A print out is not validation be it from the CA or the OC. *************** I could send you 10 print outs all different.Now the question is which print is the validation or aren't any of them validation?.
Re: Re: Ya gotta LOVE CA's... If you request validation from the CA, and they provide you a printout, representing that it is validation, and you can document that it does not agree with the OC's documentation of the account, does this constitute a FDCPA violation?
Re: Re: Re: Ya gotta LOVE CA's... *************** GET THE BASICS HERE. ***************** 1*>Of course bogus or false documentation is a violation. 2>*How are you going to prove that with the false OC documents the CA sent you.