Card! Unsecured! $500 limit! I haven't had an unsecured card in about 5 or 6 years. Wooooooohoooooooo!
I think that they pulled transunion. I don't know what my transunion score is at this time. Back about 1 1/2 months ago it was a faco of 689. But I just did a dispute and had a ton of negative info removed only to have a dentist bill from my dipsh@@ dentinst who can't count placed on my report. I think that Orchard juuuuuuuussssssssst missed this being placed on my report. Thank goodness! I'm so happy. I think that I will close my Providian now.
I applied online and didn't get an automatic acceptance or decline. So I called the toll free number they give you and I was approved! It took about 3 weeks though. Definitaly not a quickie.
Is the Providian your oldest tradeline? If it is, you shouldn't close it. Use it to get gas once a month or so and pay the full balance. Congrats on the Orchard! Charlie
Providian is my oldest open credit card. You're right Charlie. I will leave it open. Until they send me a letter saying they are going to close it! Haha Do you know that one of the reasons for increasing my APR, like everyone else, is due to their review of my transunion report? Guess what. They haven't looked at it. Ever.