All 3 bureaus deleted a paid charge-off I had, plus I had one more unpaid charge off on my reports and I contacted the creditor and said I don't remeber ever having the account but I am willing to pay it off if they will remove it from my reports. They agreed, faxed me a letter stating that and also said that once the payment posted (tomorrow I used my MC), they would fax me over a confirmation letter stating it will be removed. All I have left on my reports for derogatory is an R5 from Cap One, 1 late pay in 2000 for my car, and a couple of late pays in 96 from an old retail acct. Well all except for Experian, they refuse to remove my late pays from Ford even though I sent proof FROM FORD! I just wanted to say thanks to EVERYONE here, without your advice and support I couldn't have done it. Now it's time to focus solely on hubbys report. Kellie
Hey, Bkev, I've employed the do-it-yourself method as well as Lexington Law Firm and Creditwrench -- all with great success. Do I merit your congratulations too? Doc
Sure Doc, but everyone knows the real reason for your post. Do you have anything to say to KHM? What's your problem today? Why are you trying to start arguments all over the place? Do tell... you can send me an email if you wish. You have the address.
Bkev, no! Maybe I'm being too provocative -- my sense of humor is sometimes none too funny. As I said in the other thread, I do apologize if I offended you because that wasn't my intent. (My intent was to tease, poke, etc., but I think I crossed the line.) Doc
-->>IGNORE<<-- option I feel so glad to have helpful tips such as this tag line. GOOD JOB ON FORD!!!!!
OK so I just went to credit expert and of course the charge off I just paid isn't gone which is fine, BUT they did remove the inquiries and another charge-off and my score hasn't gone anywhere. WTF is wrong with this scoring crap. It's so irritating to do all this work and not see any results other than it being gone. Kellie
??????? I'm so scared the Bill's Gang is after me now... the guy who never gives a compliment unless it self-promotional! AGAIN... KUDOS to KHM!