Yes!!! My Day!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by slinkyboi5, Oct 4, 2002.

  1. slinkyboi5

    slinkyboi5 Well-Known Member

    In addition to having EQ delete the only collection on my report, EXP deleted my judgment!!! Now, the only report with the judgment is TU and the only one with the collection is EXP...those two things should be gone by Nov. 1st. YES YES YES. New car, here we come!!!
  2. Velouria

    Velouria Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! :) What kind of car are you planning on getting?
  3. slinkyboi5

    slinkyboi5 Well-Known Member

    Thanks!!! I ordered an Infiniti G35, will be here sometime in first half of November.
  4. nhokt

    nhokt Active Member

    Excellent work, how did you get the judgement removed? I am working on a judgement myself.

  5. c5kirk

    c5kirk Well-Known Member

    Sweet! Did you get the Coupe or Sedan? I'm going to be getting something new myself in the next couple of months and have narrowed it down to the G35 Coupe or the 350Z... Z is a little sportier (little more power, lighter, 2 seats, etc...)... but I'm getting old & fat so maybe I'd be more comfy in the G35 :)

    Great car either way. BTW... if you could let me know what options and price (if that isn't too personal) it would be greatly appreciated.... dealers around here (Kansas City) are asking (and apparently getting) several thousand over MSRP for the Coupe right now.

  6. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    Don't it rock!

    I just had my last COL drop off TU and it feels so great, you can do it to!
  7. slinkyboi5

    slinkyboi5 Well-Known Member

    Got the judgment removed by removing the old address that the judgment had on it.

    I'm getting the sedan, as I've never been a fan of coupes. I'm getting $1500 off MSRP. I wouldn't pay over MSRP for the coupe, even though it's pretty much sold out until December. Goto and check out the G35 forums there....they rock! You will learn so much. The Z only has 7 more HP and is quite a bit less luxurious...and of course is a 2-seater. I personally want the extra luxury and I need the room. Definitely drive them'll notice a difference for sure.

    And here are some pics of the Z and coupe next to each other (same color)
  8. c5kirk

    c5kirk Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the links.... great forum (this and the G35 link :)

  9. edoggie

    edoggie Well-Known Member

    wait wait wait.... you mean you can get deroggatories removed by removing old addresses ? Please say it's so..... which bureau ?
  10. JohnnyBloo

    JohnnyBloo Active Member

    What kills me is that you obviously got into a bad place credit wise and then with some hard work you got out...only to immediately go get some credit to buy an expensive Infiniti that depreciates the instant you drive it off the lot. Your logic here has me confused.

    Johnny Blood
  11. smogtek

    smogtek Well-Known Member

    I'll second the "confused" part.

    While I can understand that we've all had unexpected events in our lives that could have led to credit issues, I can't understand why anyone would voluntarily put themselves in this situation.

    As I stated in another post: Why an brand new Escalade (or G35 for that matter) when a low mileage 1-3 year-old Corolla, 626, Civic, Accord will do just as well.

    I know the topic of the board is "credit repair", but we should probably be calling it "credit maintenance" or "credit lifestyle".

    Maybe it's the auto mechanic in me, but I've found that if you "maintain" your car, then the "repairs" are fewer and less costly.

    I LOVE cars, especially NEW cars, as much as anyone, but why should the car OWN ME instead of me owning the car?

    A good low-mileage previously-owned car will serve you just as well as that high-end new one. Of course, it probably won't make you as COOL, but ....

    DISPUTER Well-Known Member

    Before you guys jump all over him, think about this. Maybe he had credit problems in the past when he wasn't making enough money or was down on his luck. Don't you think it is possible that he CAN afford the car now and he wants to treat himself to a new car. I say go for it if you can afford it. ENJOY!!!!
  13. JohnnyBloo

    JohnnyBloo Active Member

    Well, Disputer, that's the kind of extravagance that gets people into trouble. Is an expensive Infiniti really necessary? I doubt it. Let's face facts...we all splurge from time to time, but if I just got my credit cleared, I think I'd wait a while before I jumped back into the lake full of sharks. With the economy the way it is and given the person's track record, I think his choice of cars is plain stupid. Instead, why not try to get a good, reliable car and pay it down as quickly as possible? Doing so will show a large note with a lot paid off on it and it proves to the person himself that he can manage credit and improve his FICO at the same time. I don't mean to jump down anyone's throat, I just think it's symptomatic of the same kind of problems that got him into trouble in the first place.

    Johnny Blood
  14. slinkyboi5

    slinkyboi5 Well-Known Member

    None of you know anything about my current or past financial situation (except I had some credit trouble at sometime in the past). I can very easily afford this car, and there is absolutely no reason I should not purchase something I want and can afford. If you don't know the whole story (let alone knowing practically nothing), I don't think you have any room to comment.
  15. JohnnyBloo

    JohnnyBloo Active Member

    If you can pay for it and you're absolutely confident that you can make every payment on time, I laud you and I wish you well. The mere fact that you're cleaning up your credit history speak volumes and shows that you're taking responsibility. If, however, you plan on financing a depreciable asset for a term longer than 3 to 4 years, then I guess I would disagree with your assessment of the situation. I wish you well.

    Johnny Blood

    DISPUTER Well-Known Member

    I hear you Slink....You enjoy that car!!!
  17. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Congrats! That is an AWESOME car!
  18. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    BTW- For all you partypoopers :) The MSRP on this car is not THAT bad...around 27,000. I am sure that plenty of you are driving one of those gas hog SUV's (like me) that paid that or more for your own car.

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