I just pulled experian - it lists my phone numbers now! What the hell is that all about? My number is unlisted. Are they allowed to do this?
It's a "MATTER OF RECORD"... DISPUTE it like any other information...say I changed my # and can't remember what it is, BECAUSE I DON'T CALL MYSELF!!! If they ask what the new # is...
Just curious...why do you have an "UNLISTED" #??? My brother-in-law HAD an "UNLISTED" # and got 10 times the calls I got with a "LISTED" #... They use COMPUTERS to call now days...NOT THE PHONE BOOK. 213-555-0001...0002...0003...0004...0005...
All information is put there by your credit card/loan companies. I told everybody about how FLEET made me move my house to a DRAINAGE DITCH...
It's unlisted because I don't want people that "I don't know" to have my number and know it's my number. I disagree with the "matter of record" crap that I'm sure they'll throw up at me. I don't think they have the right to dole out my phone number if I specifically do not have it published. This is total BS!
Just thought of something, then will do some searching, I'm thinking this would be covered under state laws and maybe the new Federal laws on telemarketing. Definately a good reason for NOT having SS# as driver's license number too. When sending copies of driver's licenses, we've got to be sure to smudge the number. They'll be listing blood type and organ donor status next, geezzzzzz. Sassy
1*They need this so they can zap your score if you have the wrong blood or donate the wrong organ. You forgot eye and hair color.That ought to be good for a slice of 25 points each if yours happens to be the wrong color.
They are recalculating scores. They take the last 2 digits of your phone # and subtract it form your current score and that is your new score. Hay don't get mad at me I'm on your side!
Got my up-dated TU report on Saturday and guess what is now on it? MY PHONE NUMBER! Looks like all three are going to start including it now! (Although they did forget to add the area code.) Anna