You KNOW you have bad credit when..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Flyingifr, May 12, 2003.

  1. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: You KNOW you have bad c

    Wells Fargo is is just a big corporation and we mean absolutely nothing to them. Thats why people go to credit unions... b/c they want to be treated like a person not a number.
  2. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: You KNOW you have bad c

    First, thanks for replying to my request. Now, let the bank bashing begin.

    According to all the criteria I have been given, I should not have been declined, but was.

    1: I have no derogs less than 5 years old. Most recent derog was the filing of my CH13 in 1998. All delinquencies preceed that. All my derogs, including the BK will be off my CRA files by December 2005.

    2: The fact that I have been a Wells Fargo customer for 5 years (2 checking accounts and a savings account) with average mid 4-figure balances doesn't count?

    3: I asked ny brach officers to give me just one good reason to stay with Wells fargo. they had so little interest in my account they didn't even try. I just loved the stupid looks I got - almost like they didn't even understand why I would ask a question like that.

    4: No amount of protestation or appeal through Wells Fargo's heirarchy did good.

    5: To add insult to injury, Wells Fargo pulled a HARD inquiry when my wife lost her ATM card and asked for a replacement. I doubt that meets any Permissible Purpose. Nevertheless, I file suit this weekend for it.

    So..... Wells Fargo is no longer my primary bank. I maintain a $200 balance in my account so I can get money out of an ATM and I now bank with US Bank in St Paul, MN. They hold the big balances now. I live in Tucson AZ. Next month I move over to Compass Bank for my ATM purposes and stop completely with Wells fargo.

    When a customer asks a business to "give me a reason to keep doing business with you" and all he gets is a stupid look..... it's time to move on.

    As a public Accountant I steer all my business clients away from Wells fargo. I used to steer them to Wells Fargo.

    All because Wells Fargo couldn't find a way to lend me $500 of my own money.
  3. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: You KNOW you have bad c

    As for what DaveKinder was talking about. When I lived in the US Virgin Islands and I would use a cc the merchant wouldn't batch the receipts for a week so when I would check my balance it the available credit was larger than it really was. This allowed me to go over my limit anytime I wanted to. I think this is what some banks fear on secured cards.

    Luckily, there are plenty of banks that are willing to give you a chance.
  4. DHK

    DHK Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: You KNOW you have bad c

    IF you find a good PERSON at the bank, you're LUCKY! [I personally think I'm one of those people, but of course I'm biased :) ]

    Wells Fargo DOES want to keep as many customers as possible, but I think it needs to do more to keep their current best team members. I think I do a great job for my customers, but I can see other opportunities at other institutions (eg. credit unions). WF just doesn't pay well enough to keep knowledgeable people who care about customer service. (Currently looking for employment as a Branch Manager with a Credit Union at about $51k to 84k annually!) Wish me luck! :)

    BTW, mid 4-figure balances ARE a good reason to get people to stay. Personally, if you're wanting to close out an account, I look for how many times you've ever bounced a check or overdrawn your account. If it's over 5 times in the past year, I'll offer billpay service for paying bills, but most people are just done paying fees altogether, so I let it go.

    I'm actually suprised that they didn't try to keep you as a customer. OUR bottom line depends on customer retention. In fact, to increase awareness, there's additional FINANCIAL incentives to keep your customers with WFB! Maybe some people just don't care.
  5. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: You KNOW you have bad c

    With a mid-4 figure ablance, why would I have any checks bounce? I haven't bounced a check in 25 years.

    I agree, they were fools for letting me go, and I also believe they were fools in saying they have so little faith in me that they won't even give me a credit card secured by my own money.

    Adios, Wells Fargo, Hello US Bank.
  6. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: You KNOW you have bad c


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