Best-Experian Worst-TU There is a difference of almost 50 points, and experian has one more derog than my TU!
EQ Highest score 690 most mistakes TU Middle 652 missing accounts EX Lowest 640 almost perfect account wise
Report or score? Equifax for some reason has me about 50 points higher than the others FICO-wise. It's a fairly clean report at this point though. Experian is middle of the road score-wise, but a horrible report if you just look at the items. TransUnion give the worst FICO, but has the least derogs. Of course, almost 20 inquiries takes a toll on the score. Everyone in my area wants to use TU for some reason.
Wow what a pattern. I hate my TU report as well, what a mess, while Equifax is looking pretty clean. Am I the only one who thinks that Experian has way too much info about me? They have loads of information (alternate name spellings, addresses, strange inquiries) that doesn't appear anywhere on TU or EQ.
Best: TU (based on ELoan score of 707) - No collections Middle: Equ 698 - 1 collection (but TU just deleted the same one) Worst: Exp 659 - 1 collection (was deleted by TU and Equ I still have 2 30 day dings on all 3 CRs.
Wow, I guess the statiscal eveidence is there! TU is the worst score for me and has the worst entries. This is been very interesting data.
For those that are saying TU is their worst report, I'd like to know how many are basing it on the TU in house score or the TU Fico score? I'm betting most are basing it on the in house score which is not a fair comparison.
Is the housescore the one they give you for free with your credit report? I have never seen anything on their site about providing a real FICO? When lenders pull TU , which one do they see?
In house is the one they give you with your report. They just recently started giving you a choice of the report with their in house score, or, the report businesses see with your fico score. The one with the fico score is $12.50.