So how did it go? good? bad? stories to tell?... Equifax 6/1 (first time i got equifax) 609 score 7 lates 39 accts 18 with balances $48,000 owed Equifax 12/10 713 score 1 late (last late pay in dispute CHOD) 38 accounts 13 with balances $40,744 owed What is amazing for me is that I have paid off almost $8,000 of debt. Ok now your turn...
Hi Here we are the results beginning in 2/02 to 11/02 Sbdmom Exp- 536 / 637 TU - 560 /598 (my last collection has since dropped so its hopefully higher) Eq-569/ 588 Hubby Exp- 548 / 572 Tu - 541 / 574 (1judgment still showing unpaid) Eq - 510 / 542 We started in Feb collectively with Chargeoffs Then 12 6 Collections Then 10 Public records then 6 (can't win them all 30 days late then 15 now 0 60day then 8 now 1 90 days then 15 now 5 It looks like CHOD isn't going to be in our favor Exp is being pigheaded and has decided they have adequetly ALREADY investegated various items and doesn't want to reinvestigate but it ain't over yet.. We have still come far in our journey..learned a whole lot..realized we are NOT our credit rating.I am very empowered in the fact I can answer the phone or open the letters with out feeling intimidated...or'm ready for 'em... To all those just starting out this can be done and the journey is not that bad... Sbdmom
wow...lessee...In October of last year I started with 18 derogs on Equifax, 13 on Experian and 12 on TU (I'm pretty sure...these are very close at any rate). I had two credit cards...both through Providian. My TU score was 495 and my other two scores were mid 500's. Today I have zero derogs on any of my cr's and I have credit cards from: Cap One (2) GM Household Best Buy Target Visa Target Retail Citibank I'm trying to go through my wallet mentally to see if I've forgotten My scores are all in the mid to upper 600's and they are that low due to high (can you say 100% on Experian) utilization. It has been a great credit year and the thanks goes to Credit Net L
I originally started fixing things 5/2001 w/ scores between 580 and 590. I now only have a couple baddies left. This Year's Goals were: Finish credit repair FICO/FAKO's of at least 700 get AMEX BLUE get MBNA QUANTUM This Year's Results are: Lost lawsuit against Experian FICO/FAKO's of at least 650 recv'd AMEX BLUE recv'd MBNA QUANTUM
In October i was at a 590 equ fico. now my 3 range from 658 to 690. Its been a good month. this is a good place.
I've gained 4 additional tradelines this year and am finally starting to really establish my credit. This time last year I had one lonely $200 limit Visa Card. Now I have : Cap One Gold Visa- $1,000 limit Cap One Mastercard - $300 limit Chevron Premium Card -$600 limit Target Guest Card (Yuk) -$200 Limit Chase Walmart Mastercard - $200 limit The Gold visa started as a secured card , and all of the other tradlines I've gained within the past 4-5 months. Most recently the chase card. Previously my score was 720 EQ Fico , however im carrying a much higher balance this month so it took nearly a 100 point drop. No worry, once I pay that off I'll be back. Im happy with what I've acheived this year. Within the next year I expect and hope to see prime offers coming my way.
This time last year I had : FICO's 560-570 30 derogs 1 Cap One Classic $500 limit. ---------------------- Now FICO's 603-642 13 Derogs Cap One Classic $2000 limit Cap One Platinum $1000 Cap One Platinum $800 I expect to be clean by summer FICO's 740+ By Fall: Cap One Platinum $5000 Bof A Platinum?$5000 Chase $5000 2 More Bank Cards W/ at least $5000 limits each Best Buy Limit $3000 Gas Card ?
As far as credit cards go, last year I only had my Target Retail from 1997 and my Texaco from 1996. Here is what I have been able to get this year: GM Card-last month 4,000cl whooo hooo! Cap 1 900.00-Jan-02 closed already Target Visa 500.00Aug-02 closed already FCNB-Newport News Sep-02- 1,500cl! I have gotten several deletions and hopefully more to come this month! I hope to be done by 6-2003. This board has given me so much help, info and motivation! Thanks all!
Started in January 2002 and currently have 3 included in BK, one R5, and a Chapter 13 public record. The CH13 public record was removed from TU. Started out with 30 derogs (e.g. collections, repossession, judgements, charge-offs) EQ - 5 derogs (including public record) TU - 1 derogs (no public records) EXP - 4 derogs (including public record) My scores were in the low 500's when I started. Now they are in the low 600's. At this point, I will not dispute anymore and will wait for 2004 for all the negatives to fall off, including my BK. On another note: My wife had 20 derogs (e.g. collections, charge-offs, and lates). Currently she has zero derogs. Her scores are in the low 600's because her accounts are fairly new. The new credit we currently have is Capital One (Visa and MC), Target Retail Card, two cars financed by Capital One, and Providan. I would say it was a very good year!!!
Well I started in summer of 2001. Began with ICR credit services, which basically spammed the CRA's. Started fixing my cc myself early this year. I had about 24 CA accounts deleted---most were medical which I paid for deletion---two CA's off through Validation---two CA's just were not mine---about 12 late pays removed----plus a tax lien removed from EQX and TU, still on EVIL EXP(I NEVER OWED ANY MONEY!!! THE STATE OWED ME!!!) Scores were in the 540's to 550's Now: EQX 770 TU 781 EXP 643 FAKO CC's started with: Secured Net 1st (Aug 2001) CapOne (Oct 2001) $200 limit Orchard Bank (Apr 2002) $750 limit Platinum BofA (DEC 2002) 9k limit I also did a savings secured loan early this year which reported to all three CRA's. I am left with one major derog on EXP, which they seem to be completely ignoring>>>>Sent dispute for CHOD. Anyways, thanks to everyone for knowledge that has been shared to make this all possible! Merry Christmas!
My hubby and I have had a great year credit-wise. Last year at this time I was just beginning credit repair - we both had a Cap1 card with $1,000 cl and that was it. We disputed some things, 'tweeked' our reports a little, and now have cards with Citi, AmEx, Discover, First USA, US Bank with combined cl's of over $73,000 with just these. We still have Target ($4,000 cls), Providian (1.9% 'til March, $3000 cl), and $4500 with Cap1, Umbrella $5,000, etc but those aren't quite as exciting as AmEx! <G> I just wish I would have found Credit Net sooner - we refinanced our mortgage in 11/01 and people with good credit were getting 5.25 rates (no closing costs, no apprasal fees, 15 year term) and since our credit wasn't very good, we got 7%.. .which was better than what we were paying which was 9.5% adjustible (and I swear adjustibles never adjust down!!), but now I just wish this deal was goin' on now 'cuz I know we'd get the lowest rate! But all in all, I'm quite happy with our credit success this year! Ozzy.
OMG! Let me tell you about our year. Began to repair both reports in Sept. of 2001 with the help of Lexington Law. Well, they did a nice job, but, as I was unemployed at this time, started doing it myself in March of this year. At that time; Eq 587 now 645 Ex 595 now 685 Tu 554 now 725 HELLO!!!! all three reports on me and husband had 3 BKPTS. and 21 collection,2 judgements and 100's of inquries. NOW,. my Ef clean all but 1 collection, falls off in Feb.2003 my Tu clean My Eq clean all but 1 collection, falls off in Feb.2003 we have aquired this year; Cap 1 gold $1500 cl Target Visa $1500 cl Lowes $850 cl Mobile Visa $1500 cl Cap1 Auto $21,000 cl Beneificial $15,000 LOC Crosscountry $5500 (sock drawer, oldest tradeline) CU/person LOC$5000 AND>>>DRUMROLL!!! Am. Ex. approved 12-06-02 So, this year has been great for my family. Happy Holidays to all!!!
Then (December 2001) FICO: EQ 571 EX 619 TU 535 Credit Cards: Providian/Aria $500 Sears $250 Now (December 2002) FICO: EQ 716 EX 702 TU 690 Credit Cards: Providian/Aria $3000-sockdrawer Cap1 Gold $1500-sockdrawer Cap1 Platinum $800-sockdrawer GM $5000 Household Gold $1500 Citibank AA Gold $5500 Citibank AA Silver $3000 Amex Platinum Cash Back $5000 Target Guest Card $200 Best Buy $2600 Sears $250 It's been a good year thanks to creditnetters
The year in review for me: Scores in January: TU <420, EQ 524, EXP 569 Derogs in January : total 10-15 derogs on each report. CARDS in January: First Premier, Cap1 SCORES NOW: see below. Derogs NOW: 5 TU, 3 EQ, and 4 EXP-- all remaining derogs expire next year. CARDS: Cap1 Carnival MC $2500, Getsmart Visa $1000, Household MC $300, Target Retail $500, Target Smart Visa $500, Merrick Visa $1000, Citi Smart MC $1000, J.Crew $300. This year in review for hubby started credit repair journey in October. Scores then: umm, sub-par 400s and 500s. Scores now: mid-500s for EQ and EXP, TU FAKO 485/FICO ? Derogs then: TU 12, EQ 6, EXP 8 Derogs now: TU 8, EQ 5, EXP 6 Cards then: none Cards now: Centennial secured, Chevron, AU Target and Target Visa. All in all, its been a good credit year! Goal next year is clean reports all the way around, then mortgage in mid-2004!
Creditnet-My Financial Bible I have been watching the Cnet board for two and a half years now. I remember the previous experts and the I give much credit to the ones that still remain today. I began Cnet with scores in the mid to high 500's. I had at least 20 chargeoffs/collections. So many people have encouraged me quietly for so long on this board. I want to thank everyone who has ever answered anyone's question on this board, many times I have worried about something related to my credit only to have the answer waiting for me when I logged on to Cnet. As of next Friday, I will be CLOSING ON A HOUSE. It seemed like an impossible dream for a long time, but thanks to so many of you... I'm going to be a HOMEOWNER!!! To anyone who is out there like I was for so long, your time will come. I believe there is a wonderful life ahead of you. I refer to it as "Life After Bad Credit". I wish you all the very best in your financial dealings in the upcoming year. I have nothing but love for Cnet members, KylaFL The only right in some people is the "right" side of their bodies - Doris Lowe (My granny)
Re: Creditnet-My Financial Bible I started in Feb 2002 with scores in the low-500 range on all three reports. My current scores are: TU: 654 EQ: 670 EX: (Don't care and don't know as nobody looks at EX in my neck of the woods) In the past year, I have booked quite a few accounts: Boston Store Charge (Furniture): $2,000 Cap One Visa - $1, 500 Cap One MC - bumped to $1,600 Orchard (I know) - $600 Credit Union MC - $500 Ford Motor Credit (car loan) - $14,000 Target Visa - $500 GM Mastercard - $600 It's a lot of little cards with small limits, but I only had one card, a Cap One MC in February with a $200 limit. I have no derogs left on any reports -- the baddies fell off like teflon after some vigorous disputing. Credit wise, 2002 was a great year. Let's hope for 700 in '03!!!
Re: Creditnet-My Financial Bible This year has definitely been rewarding for me. I have gotten a few new cards and retained some old ones to help my account age. I now have nine credit cards in all (I know I know, that's a lot for a student), but I keep them open for balance transfer offers, etc. I hit the 2 year mark on my oldest account back in July and hit the grand age of 18. I am also in college now, and Citibank just gave me a $1500 line increase (to $6500 total) yesterday on the website. I wouldn't be where I am today creditwise had it not been for the many gurus here who helped me out. I feel now that it is only my duty to help those out who need it. Thanks all and God Bless.
Re: Creditnet-My Financial Bible It has been GREAT, my first year of credit repair. I don't have my scores turned in yet, cuz I am waiting for these last few deletions to move through the CRA, but here is what I did: April 2002- 14 derrogs- charge off, defaulted loan, 6 collections, some late pays December 2002- 2 late pays Not bad, LOL, I'm happy..never thought that I could be on my way to having good credit. )))))
Re: Creditnet-My Financial Bible Huh... your only 18?? How the heck! Geesh... Im feeling old. I've actually been around long enough to see bad tradelines fall off in multiple 7 year cycles... ha!
Then (February 2002) EQ 680 - 2 collections EX 623 (FAKO) - 2 collections TU 629 (FAKO) - 3 collections All reports showed 2 30 day lates Now (December 2002) EQ 728 EX 730 (FICO) - As of 10/2002 TU 743 (FICO) -0 Collections and 1 30 day late on all reports -Car loan at my CUs best rate -Mortgage set to close May 2003 (new home) at mortgage co. best rate Thanks to everyone for their help!