Yyeeesssssh! Ranting :(

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kell393, Jan 31, 2002.

  1. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    jeeze louise! creditexpert is workin my last nerve! i have these 2 accounts mervyns and target guest, well i noticed that their bank RNB for 6 months now has been reporting charge off's on ea of them monthly like clockwork. i finally (end of dec) disputed them and i told creditexpert they were charged off in 1999 and it wasnt right they could report a CO monthly (thus making it look like a recent CO) and they needed to fix it. well no they verify and then change the date of status to 1/2002! i say no no because they now has been totally re-aged and i dispute again. yesterday my score goes up 11 points, i look to see why and voila MERVYNS is totally gone! BUT... target is still investigating until today, i lost 7 points so i go look and TARGET is no longer being investigated it has beed verified and not only that but it says....
    DATE OPENED: 01/1998
    DATE OF STATUS:1/2002
    LAST REPORTED:1/2002 then....
    ACCOUNT HISTORY: charge off as of 1/2002 WTF?
    aaarrrgghh! what do i do now? i looks like i just defaulted. all prior history is gone. and the worst part is that my creditexpert score doesnt update until 6:30pm so i have to wait 50 mins to see how bad of a hit my newly 521 score will take. so much for the 500 club, that lasted all of 3 days!! DOH!!!
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    PLEASE tell me you printed or have an old copy of your credit report that shows the ORIGINAL charge off date. If so, some needs to get sued!!! Not sure if you would go after the creditor or the CRA or both.
  3. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    yes i do! all 3 TU,EQ & EX. it only shows this way on EX so i am not sure what to do. BTW, credit expert updated and i lost 6 pts i'm now down to 515 :(
  4. nursie

    nursie Well-Known Member

    sue experian. You got 'em.

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