I don't post very much, but for people who have just found this board here are a list of items I have had deleted since coming out of credit coma: Trans Union: Civil judgement $800 deleted 4/20/01 Pacific credit exchange $800 (car repo) deleted 4/20/01 (I paid this in full 6/2000) Pacific credit exchange $775 (car repo) deleted 4/20/01 (I paid this in full 6/2000) Listed Twice VW Credit $9400 (paid $3500) deleted 4/20/01 A-L Financial $800 charge off deleted 4/20/01 IC system CA $375 (old dentist bill not paid) deleted 6/15/01 Providian $561 charge off.. I disputed and some how got updated to an open account with 3 lates but current with a 0 balance. 6/15/01 14 inquiries deleted 10/10/01 score from 432 (3/15/01 car dealer report) to 647 as of 7/06/01 (Residential mortgage report) current credit xpert score of 627. Equifax Civil judgement $800 deleted 3/03/01 Pacific credit exhange CA $800 (car repo) deleted 3/03/01 (I paid this in full 6/2000) IC system CA $375 (old dentist bill not paid) deleted 5/23/01 Money Control CA $198 deleted 7/05/2001 Providian Remains paid charge off. no inquiries deleted yet 448 (3/15/01 car dealer report) to 619 as of 7/06/01 Residential mortgage report currently 603 but I think that's because I have 4 new accounts in the last month Experian Civil judgement $800 deleted 5/04/01 Pacific credit exchange $800 (car repo) deleted 5/04/01 (I paid this in full 6/2000) Pacific credit exchange $775 (car repo) deleted 5/04/01 (I paid this in full 6/2000) Listed Twice VW Credit $9400 (paid $3500) deleted 6/28/01 IC system CA $375 (old dentist bill not paid) deleted 6/28/01 Providian remains paid charge off A-L Financial $800 charge off remains money control CA remains 23 inquiries deleted 10/03/01 score from 425 (3/15/01 car dealer report) to 624 as of 7/06/01 Residential mortgage report current score ? I don't know that cedit expert wont verify that it is me.. LOL I was never threatening in any of my letters. I just played dumb and I was very nice. Its a crap shoot though on any day some items may be verified and some may not.... make sure that you 1) send your letter certified mail, dispute online, or by phone....document the date.. this starts the clock. 2) Never admit to anything. ever. Even if they verify that it is yours. When you dispute again say that "if it was yours it would not have been paid late, or if this account was yours you would not have let it go to charge off..." 3) Never ask to get the who, when, and where tthe item was verified right of the bat (in your 1st dispute letter)... You can always get a 2nd dispute going right away to suggest they (CRA) didnt accurately verify it. 4) I waited a little bit between disputes. 15 to 30 days. Some people say you should wait 60 to 90. I wouldnt send dispute after dispute. 5) Most important have patience. Everything maybe deleted in one letter. It may take 10 letters. I broke up what I go deleted into different letters. but craming into one letter is not a bad idea. I just rotated them so that some of the disputes overlapped, to keep from getting the throw away firivolous letter. 6)Don't pay anyone to fix your credit report. I used Lexington. waste of time. 0 deletions. I used junum. got some inquiries deleted in 3 months. waste of time. I post this to give hope to those just entering the battle. I thought I was doomed from my college years.. but just this year I have: bought a brand new Ford Truck. Bought a house. 8.25 % in July on a 624 score. established 6 positive trade lines. I just got approved for a shell card, next card and I am waiting on capitol one and citibank. I have made some mistakes on dispute letters in the past, but with the help of this board I have been crafting some wonderful letters and currently have the remaining items in dispute.. All in less than 1 year... I have read many other credit success and I want to congratulate all of those who have almost won or won the battle. Thanks for you stories of hope and success... And for those who have had trouble don't give up... This board as cheesy as it sounds has really helped (and changed) my life out... If you got this far in the post thanks for letting me share. Kev
Hello Kev, Would it be possible for you to email me or post the sample letters you used? Especially the one you used to have a civil judgement removed. It is wonderful to see your success and what the same for myself. I have one judgement, one chargeoff and two paid chargeoffs. I would like to have these items deleted by the end of the year. Thank you for you help! Monica
Could you give us the details regarding one account, in particular? For instance, did you ever catch a credit reporting agency not making the proper validation and did you use that as a basis for demanding removal of an account?
I caught trans union and experian both not validating things they said they verified by contacting the original creditor. In this case it was Providian so the results were 50/50. I first contacted trans union when I had a Providian Charge off 6/99 with a 561 balance. 387 Past due Late every month since 3/99 thats a lot of lates. And the last activity was 3/01... (???) I dont know where this info came from. I disputed it claiming it was not my account, even though it was. The result: nothing changed item verified... Yeah right if it was verified it would have been updated to read Charge Off/Paid O balance as of 5/2000. So I wrote them again stating that I had a Providian account and that my providian account was up to date and some FCRA references. new result: Open account, 0 balance, 1 3O day, 1 60 day, 1 90 late. 15 dollar payment terms. (on a zero balance???) I have not redisputed this one yet as it was a real curveball... both positive and negative. ugh can you see. I would not want an open account to be changed to a charge offf.. but those lates are killing my score. for experian: Same charge off 6/99 but for $387 and said the account was secured(??????). with a 30,60,90 and 120 day late. same drill, claimed it was not mine. same result verified new information with no new information. re dispute. new result Paid Charge as off 6/99 (wrong date but looks old) with a 30,60,90. currently redisputing those late payments. if i get the late payments removed I will then start on getting the charge off removed. Equifax deleted all the other stuff but Providian and updated to the paid Charge off 6/2000 with $15 dollar terms.. redisputing this currently... Kev
Hey Monica... I tried to email you but it wont let me... send me an email and I will send you some word.docs with my dispute letters. kustomhellkat@earthlink.net Kev
Those are fantastic results. I have been working on my credit almost a year now. I received a TU update today. One of my last two accounts was deleted leaving a 5 1/2 year old account with one 30 day late...woohoo! Great job.
Greg: That does seem to be the name of the game, don't it Greg? Spam them to death trying to make them believe that the truth is a lie and a lie is the truth. I have yet to figure out why it's better to tell a lie on credit when you can tell the truth and get paid cash for doing it. Ahhhh Sweet Mysteries of Life.
Speaking of mysteries..... Bill, I clicked your link to your website... aka CLICK HERE FOR A CASH GRANT YOU NEVER HAVE TO REPAY. Once there, I read the information without ever seeing the advertised "CASH GRANT". A text search also failed to produce the results for "CASH GRANT" or even "CASH". Can you provide us with some additional insight on this terrific opportunity? Or should we just consider this another broken link? Thanks!
Bkev: No, it's not a broken link at all. Here is why. Remember the old adage that says "a penny saved is a penny earned"?? Well, if uses my CREDITWRENCH™ methods, ends up with the debt wiped out then he most assuredly got himself a free cash grant that he never has to replay, doesn't he?? Of course, some people might not look at it that way, but the U.S. Government sure does because if you don't pay your bill, and the bill collector turns in a IRS Form 1099-C, forgiveness of debt, Uncle Sam wants you to pay taxes on that money as extra income. Which leads to the question, if the creditor filed a Form 1099-C on you and then sold your debt to a 3rd party debt collector who ended up goofing it up as most of them do and you made him eat the debt for having violated the law, would you then owe Uncle Sam twice on the same debt? What if the 1st 3rd party collector then sold it to a 2nd 3rd party collector and you made the both of them pay you for having violated the law, would you then owe Uncle Sam 3 times on the same debt? What if the 2nd 3rd party collector then sold it to a 3rd 3rd party collector who alse ended up having to pay you for violating the law would you then have to pay Uncle Sam 4 times on the same debt? Actually, we were discussing free grants and the scams people fall for trying to get free cash grants they never have to pay for in another thread and I thought about that and I realized that CREDITWRENCH™ is just that, a free cash grant that you never have to pay for even if you don't take them to court and sue them for the simple reason that A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED and even the government believes in that old adage. You know, now that you mentioned it, my hit counters have been going through the roof since I put that link on here. Even on the links people never much bothered to click on before. Didn't stop to think about why until you mentioned it. Tell me, Bkev, does that mean that lots of people want free money and don't even recognize it when it's right there staring them in the face??
Now that you put it that way.... and you insist that this is CASH, I'm sure you'll be happy to tell us: 1. How much "CASH" money have you recieved from creditors for yourself or your clients. Realize Bill, that a credit to wipe out a debt is a bookkeeping record, not cash. CASH is the green stuff that you get from an ATM or a piece of paper that you can deposit into your checking account. How much Bill? 2. How many creditors have you been able to get CASH from? 3. How long does it take you to get CASH? 4. If you don't have any negative information on a credit file, can you still get CASH? I'm sure you've heard of bait-and-switch advertising. If you can not deliver what you're promising, it's false advertising. Worse yet, it's false SPAM because you're not paying creditnet.com a penny for all this promotion. Oh, I've been withholding this one, but Bill, can you please tell the Board how many people work at CreditWrench. I know that you can be the CEO and the janitor, but I think in the spirit of fair disclosure, the people reading would like to know. You've already stated you make more than $200,000 a year selling Indian cigs, but if you care you could also tell us how much you make per year with CreditWrench.
WOW!!! You got more questions than the IRS, Bkev. I don't insist that a penny saved becomes cash earned. Only the IRS does that. I simply suggest that if the IRS treats a penny saved as cash earned then I can surely at least have a little fun with it. Not one single BANKABLE PENNY! How would I get any bankable money out of a 3rd party collector if I never sued any of them? If you can tell me how to do that, you are better than Houdini Obviously not one penny of that either since 1. I don't have any clients because I am not a lawyer. I only have customers. And 2. My customers are under no obligation to share any proceeds of any lawsuits they win with me. So why would they? Try telling that to the IRS. Again, not one. How many times you gonna make me tell you the same thing?? Maybe I never will. I sure won't if I never sue anybody, now will I? When and if I ever do, I'll be sure to send you a certified return receipt letter Wouldn't want you to miss out on such and event as that, now would I? Yeah! I charge them a non-usage fee for not using the account. Level that charge when you can prove I can not deliver what I'm promising. In other words, put up or shut up. I wouldn't be getting all this free advertising if you didn't ask so many dumb questions. The more hate and discontent you try to spread, the more visitors I get because people want to see why you are putting up such a fuss and picking so much bones over nothing. So they go see who is doing what and who is right and who is wrong. Of course, your calling it "false SPAM" should tip them off to the real answer for the simple reason that most folks know what SPAM is and they would realize that SPAM is actually UCE or Unsolicited Commercial Email and that alone should tell them what is the basis for your false attacks. You missed a few people. Not only am I the CEO and the janitor but I am three other people as well. Namely, Me, Myself and I, INC. So that's 5 before I even get out of bed and into my office. I've got more than enough people to get the job done. I'm not a one-man operation as you seem to want to intimate that I might be and there are plenty of people reading the board that know that for a fact of life and can personally attest to it. When the time comes that my present staff cannot handle the workload, I'll add more people to be sure to get the job done in a timely fashion. And that's what counts to the customers. Do I get the work out in a timely manner? For those who want to pick nits and fights, nothing is good enough anyway. I don't just sell Indian cigs, but just about all brands on the market, and depending upon the tax structure of any given state, cheaper than they can be bought in any of their local states. Since Oklahoma has the 3rd lowest tax rate on cigs in the nation, there are two other states where cigs, Indian or otherwise can be purchased at lower cost. Thanks for the opportunity to do some more advertising. LOL I don't care. LOL Any more silly questions?
Yes, thank you for asking. All of this non-cash that you've been getting personally and for you "customers" (clients is not a term restricted just to lawyers, but I'll play along)... Have you been reporting it to the IRS? Do you tell your customers to? Bill, your previous answer proves my false advertising claim. Thank you very much! Stop being a bully. I have as much right to be here as you or anyone else. I'm sorry if you get your panties in a wad because someone is standing up to you and challenges you. Get over it Bill.... I'm not going anywhere. Can you prove than anything I've said anywhere on this board is a lie? I don't think so. But I've been able to prove that you are misleading people... That's what's pissing you off...
Bkev: You can take my response to mean exactly what it says and nothing more, nothing less. I have no desire whatever to encourage your outbursts or tantrums further. All they do is to distract, confuse and alienate those who are here to learn and get help for their problems and such exercises in futility such as you seem to delight in pursuing have no place in this forum nor any bearing on the purpose of this forum. So go in peace and let us put an end to this stupidity.
Re: Credit Successes for newbiesto Bkev, I'd like to repeat something I've said elsewhere here before. Bill Bauer helped me with a tough CRA issue. I had tried the do-it-yourself method of disputing the tradline to no avail. I even contracted with Lexington Law Firm, and although they managed to successfully dispute several other [easy] tradelines, they ran into the same wall I did with the CRA. Enter Bill's unique method... I sent one simple letter to the original creditor. The letter was respectful and truthful. Voila. They sent letters to the three CRAs and removed all late-pay notations. Basically, Bill's modus operandi is to NEVER dispute ANYTHING with the CRAs. He basically suggests how to deal with the original folks who sent the info to the credit bureaus in the first place. In that respect, he basically stands apart from entities that call themselves "credit repair" firms. What's interesting in my case is that the late-pay tradelines were for several accounts (with the same creditor; however multiple tradelines) that were completely and successfully paid-off in full, not charged off, although they were sometimes 120 days, and even 150 days in one case, past due. In that respect there was no "cash grant" LOL. (Btw, I agree with what you're saying regarding the need for accuracy in advertising. Bill should drop the "cash grant" fecetiousness.) My intention is not to avail myself of the nefarious liquids both of you are streaming at one another. I just thought it might be useful for you to hear a positive "happy customer" testimonial regarding Bill Bauer's Creditwrench. I'm also aware of quite a few others here who have been helped greatly by Bill. Imho, he's a great asset to CreditNet. He may not pay advertising fees to be here, but his participation is certainly one of the reasons I keep coming back to this web site. Doc