I have had it with TU!!!! For almost a year they have been spliting my file, joining my file with someone else (only once), reinserting 2 accounts without notifying me and they've done it again. Quick timeline, without exact dates so good ol' Don doesn't try to save his butt! (I'm writing all the events so I have a timeline for court) 11/01 contacted creditor about chargeoff on my reports, I wasn't sure if it was mine but it was <$150 so I paid in exchange for deletion, just to be done with it. 11/01 day after I paid received a fax from creditor saying delete, not an OFFICIAL UDF, but basically the same. 11/01 received copy of fax in the mail. 11/01 sent the fax I got to TU, came back verified. 12/01 sent fax to TU got deleted for about 2 days. 12/01 contact DON, but when he had checked it was during those 2 days it WASNT there. 12/01 sent fax again, never did anything with it. 2/02 account reappears, fax over AGAIN the letter from OC 3/02 VERIFIED, in the mean time they split my file and add a previously deleted negative, no notification of reinsertion. 4/02 called and the rep says they will just delete my maiden name, where these accts. keep showing up. MEANWHILE When I pull online this acct. doesn't show up 7/02 Someone else gets added to my file (GREAT HISTORY AND PAYMENTS), I call they "don't see it" 8/02 request dispute for something completely different TODAY!! Receive in the mail the "results" great the other item was deleted, BUT the other 2 accounts are now on a split file for me AGAIN!!!! I called the OC the lady was INCREDIBLE (I gave her this site, she has problems with TU), she asked if it was TU I had a problem with, WELL YEAH!!! She said she just got HER report and there's no history, she's 50 and has lived in her house for 29 years. She has sued Chase and Enterprise RAC before and WON!!! She has faxed an official UDF, I have tons of CR between 11/01 and now showing these two items there, then gone, then there under my maiden name, then gone, etc. Here's what I need from you WONDERFUL creditnetters: How many violations have I got? I'm so angry right now I've counted a million. Anyone have a fax number to send my "intent to sue 48 hour get this right or see you in court" letter. I have an affiliate should I sue both, the main office in Penn. or just the affiliate (I've sent most of my faxes to NY affiliate, but have called Penn)? I live in NH and don't know if I need a registered agent, anyone know where to find this.
Re: That's IT!!! I'm suing!!!!(long Someone gave me a fantastic site that helps you know where to go to track down Registered Agents: http://www.residentagentinfo.com/ I am not an expert - but you may well want to have BOTH TU and the affiliate named. You would need to find the RA for both. I've gotten stuff from TU from Fullerton, CA as well as Chester, PA. Not sure which is the Main office - someone here might know. Check where your affiliate is and check for that State. Mommy2cats
Re: That's IT!!! I'm suing!!!!(long KHM, wowOwowwwwwwww, that's a BIGGIE!!!!! It reminds me of the case TransUnion just lost, 5 million I believe the settlement was. Did you read about that? The woman kept getting her report meshed with another woman with a one digit off ss#. The error though, wasn't why she won, it was that she had to do all the work, then do it again, and still TU wouldn't fix it -- once fixed, back the information came. The lack of reasonable procedures to ensure maximum possible accuracy AGAIN bit them in the butt. You'd think they'd get tired of paying out MILLIONS for having a half-assed system that can't meet the legal requirements and employing slackers. Did you happen to request the specific procedures used for verification in your timeline? Not that TU would answer but it adds to the violation stack. I think you should summons Marie, she's a TU system non-compliances expert -- so you've all those violations in addition to the violations in direct response to your actions. Sassy
Re: That's IT!!! I'm suing!!!!(long Sassy- I have never sent out a request for procedures. They mixed my file with another person's ONCE (TU said it didn't show in their system and it happened when I bought the TU FICO), but kept spliting my file (which they have just done again). What you said is exactly it, I am tired of doing their job. I'm tired of worrying if I apply for credit which file will they get if any. MARIE ARE YOU THERE? What do you make of all this? BTW I printed out the last dispute (the CA that DID come off) and then I went a few days later and printed my report showing NO "in dispute marks". More input PLEASE, which route should I take?
Re: That's IT!!! I'm suing!!!!(long KHM, Your next step is to begin formulating your case. Use Lizardkings template and emulate it. You are the plaintiff they are the defendant etc. This is not a static document and can be updated daily to reflect new information revealed or new "counts" against TU. This is what Attys can use to really get a handle on your case. Get busy. ~
Re: That's IT!!! I'm suing!!!!(long Butch- WHAT??? Should I file this in federal, by MYSELF??? Can you steer me in the direction of the template? Thanks TU, like I had NOTHING better to do.