I'm really surprised no one has gotten this yet. Just look at the posts and you can see it. Stay tuned, more to come. I do have conclusive proof BTW. Gib
Just out of curiosity, I searched on bbauer to see whether they were posting from the same ISP. By the luck of the draw, I pulled up this post http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?threadid=45782 about someone with the last name Kay. Coincidence?
Re: Re: KayKay29=bbauer Of course everybody who knows me also knows I've been a good online acquaintance of Bill's for years, and I admire his moxy and successes. So, with the realization that everyone is turning on their PsychDoc Spin Zone glasses, I'll proceed. [ENTER THE PSYCHDOC SPIN ZONE (with apologies to Fox News)] Uh, yeah, I think it's a coincidence. Say what you will about Bill's controversial methods or his shameless self-promotion, LOL, but I don't think anybody disputes that he's one of the biggest CA-haters in the land. The thread you found referencing the guy who's last name is "Kay" concerns itself with a CA. If what you're saying is true, then George W. Bush is really Al Gore in a mask throwing his voice. (Ok, I'm being too tough on you, ha. Good sleuthing attempt regardless. I'm just disagreeing with the conclusion.) [EXIT THE PSYCHDOC SPIN ZONE] Doc
Re: Re: KayKay29=bbauer Bill uses several accounts to post from. The thing is, he just can't seem seem to keep track of them. I'll skip all the points I could make and just point to the one that would make it obvious to anyone that KK is Bill. KayKay29's very first post had Bill's signature in it. When he signed up as KayKay29 I doubt he thought that it would go unnoticed. He linked one of his pages to the post to attract search engine traffic to his site. The fact that it did go unnoticed for a couple of months was a bonus for him. He came back again as KayKay29 and concocted the story of of a student of Bill's beating "her" boyfriend out of 100K. Of course if you read the posts themselves you could see they were so much bullshit. Just move your cursor over the "period" at the end of his sentence in this post: http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=414170#post414170 or hit the quote button and it will show the URL as well. It's the same in both of "KayKay's" posts in that thread. The periods he uses are linked to his blog. Gib
Re: Re: KayKay29=bbauer I thought that was one of bauer's blogs too. That is why I pointed it out. Didn't want to be too obvious about it though. LOL
Sorry Bill, linking to punctuation marks seems to be a thing unique to you on this board. Everybody else is up front enough to put their URL in their sig line. You however just want to link search terms to your pages. I'll admit that all the links between the boards and blogs probably helps you considerably in the search engines. Converting that to sales is altogether different. While your name does get out there, most people will have read enough about your behaviour to avoid you. Just a few threads where you've done it. There are others: http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=315395#post315395 http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=315373#post315373 http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=315367#post315367 This is my last post about it. People can make up their own minds. Gib
Linking punctuation to another site is sometimes effected in order to boost ones standing within the Google search listings. Google, in particular, bases its results upon how many other sites link to the site in question. Using Creditnet for that purpose is not unlike any other type of unauthorized promotional activity. The links described by Gib within this thread were removed as a result. kaykay29's posting history was also reviewed, including the posting logs which document IP accesses, and we have confirmed that this member is indeed the other individual mentioned. Moreover, a fair amount of circumstantial evidence was reviewed that would suggest such relatedness, including claims of being financially injured by the former member on the one hand as well as direct recommendations on the other, not to mention a bevy of direct links. Regardless, the action taken against the "kaykay29" account today was based only upon documented hard evidence. In this regard, please note that Creditnet is a privately owned web site, and access is not automatically conferred or guaranteed. CCN steve
Re: Re: KayKay29=bbauer Actually Dato77 I had many more. Just don't think he's worth all the attention. Please see the post immediatly preceding your own. Gib
Re: Re: Re: KayKay29=bbauer Oh yeah, just to make sure ya'll don't take this the wrong way I was being facetious. lol
Re: Re: Re: KayKay29=bbauer You do have to admit that CNSteve posting that validation of Gib, at the same time that Dato was saying that he didn't know what he was talking about, does make for entertaining reading.
Re: Re: Re: KayKay29=bbauer In reality board members are loath to put much stock in what is said by one who has been here for 2 years and has 10 posts. Being here for a short time is no biggy. Having a limited # of posts is no biggy either. But when you see someone who's been here BOTH for a long time and has no history ... well do the math. LOL
Re: Re: Re: KayKay29=bbauer Look at his 10 posts, too. Not much meat there. But he's been out of the country, supposedly.
Re: Re: Re: KayKay29=bbauer Well, for my first little while I was at a average 2 post a day rate... I don't think I want to know what my post a day rate is now...
Re: Re: Re: KayKay29=bbauer Boy, it takes forever for the average to creep up... Some days it just seems like I've posted 2000 messages on that day alone...
Re: Re: Re: KayKay29=bbauer Lol, I read dato's post and wandered if that was possibly another alias for BB. Hi BB....nice to see some things never change.