Now you have the complete phone directory for the entire mangement staff and some workers at CCB. This also includes Rocco's numbers.
I hate to sound stupid, but I've noticed people slamming CCB. Who are they and why are they so bad? Just curious...
They are the lowest of the low. A credit card bank. They post bogus charges to your account that you didn't authorize (it happened to me). It took I can't tell you how many phone calls and letters to the FDIC and the State of Delaware Banking Commission to get my $35.00 back, but I got it. And now I warn EVERYONE: AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS! ---Lucy
They're not a bank. They're organized crime. Thanks JerryDJ for an important service to the credit community. I hope the phones there ring so much they'll have to replace their number. Saar
For those of you who missed out on the phone book at Jerry's site, you can cut and paste it from a posting at The Complaint Station ( follow thru to the CCB section of the board... It cuts and pastes real nicely into MS Word for easy distribution...