ok, a few days back i posted about this... http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=183743#post183743 well, my husband calls today to see what the heck is up, and they tell him this he needs to go to the chamber of commerece and fill out a special form SSA2458 and then have them send it to credit expert supposedly this form is to verify ss# has anyone heard of this???? weird peace, jimrie
The Chamber of commerce??? hmmmmm this is a new one for me!! Doesn't he have his death certificate? hehe
LOL ok, in doing more research, this is what i have come up with... form ssa-2468 is a form used to tell you the social security benefits that you have acquired so far in your life also, i have to physically send this via snail mail to experian to get my score. my question, why would experian need this kind of information to give me my score thru credit expert? anyone? jimrie
even more information i am finding this form cannot be requested unless you are receiving social security benefits or medicare benefits. we are receiving neither um, help? jimrie
Jimrie, I am 99% certain that Experain cannot legally obtain this form. It is a government form (used only for information inquiring about your Social Security benefits with the Social Security Administration). A business has no right to request this information from you. Is this same information being reported on Equifax and TU? Also, double check at the Social Security Administration's website and double click on Death Index. Make sure the SSA is not reporting him as "dead". If there is no problem with EQ and TU, it seems Experian may have entered in the wrong SSN number for his accounts. If you want send them (EXP) a copy of his SSN or voter's registration card (dead people can't vote...at least not usually). Tell them to correct it. I would seriously consider reporting EXP's butt to the SSA. They have no right to ask for government forms on your personal information. Dani
dani here is the thing ... credit manager (credit expert) was the initial one that said on thier online site that there are "one or more credit accounts that have been reported to us as account holder status is deceased" we can get our report NO PROBLEM just can't get our score. when i called credit manager (credit expert) they are the ones that told me i need that form and that i need to send it to "experian" at this address blah blah blah wonder where i could get documentation telling them they cannot request that information jimrie
Why doesn't your husband just file a lawsuit? I imagine the fact that EXP is reporting him as deceased has affected his ability to get credit. I would consult with an attorney now! Surely, EXP will correct their records when they see that your husband is willing to appear LIVE before a judge. A lawyer could also send them a letter on your behalf, letting EXP know that he has verified your identity. Good luck. Calmest_LA
calmest the funny thing is, that we have pulled now two reports since feb and gotten scores thru experian themselves without this coming up now this comes up because of me signing up for their "credit manager" service online so i am at a loss peace, jimrie
Jimrie, Okay, I was curious about your question so I contacted my local SSA's office. The form they (Experian) is requesting asks if your husband is receiving social security benefits. Since he is supposely "dead", why would he be receiving benefits? The SSA stated they can only send the applicant, being your husband, the information he requested. The bureau cannot request it on your behalf, so sending the form to them is meaningless. Your husband fills out the form, mails to the SSA, and they send him the information back. Your husband, if he chooses, can send it to anyone he wants, but he is not required or obligated to. Personally, I would send Experian a letter stating your concern and a copy of your SSN card or voter registration's card (don't send your DL...too much info). Tell them to correct it immediately, if not your next letter will be from your attorney. Good luck. Dani
wow dani thanks for taking the time to do that...you got more information then i did from our local ssa office ok, i wrote to experian using their contact us information on their website, stating my concerns - i will let you all know what transpires. i will give a week for them to repond via email, and if they don't they will receive my crrr in the mail notarized hehe i like this game peace, jimrie
ok, this is just too funny for words i am telling you all this cause it also chronicles my day for future possibilities i once again called credit expert telling them that indeed i do not qualify for this form ssa-2458 based on information that has been stated above. a very nice man (finally) tells me that ok, all they want is verification that no one is dead on the report and to get some kind of verification from the ssa that my husband is indeed alive and kicking i call the 800 number for ssa and they tell me that there is no such thing as a verification of someone being alive on the forms from them, and then she asks, let me check the ssn and make sure no death certificates have been attached to that number, so i rattle it off to her, and she comes back and says...no, there is nothing on the record that says he is dead - i am like, i know, he was here this morning! she laughed anyway, her recommendation was to get a verification of ssn from the ssa office and that should suffice my husband will be going down there monday to get this and we will be shooting a letter off to experian off crrr then also any suggestions on an appropriate letter, since you experts here have never dealt with this kind of thing... peace, jimrie
I don't think we have a sample letter for that. Write a good one, and maybe PBM will put it in the file "letter to CRA to prove account holder is alive." LMAO!!!
If you've already tried and failed to prove he's alive, sue Experian. When he shows in court, that's proof. Morons...
we will come up with something and then post it! we will have some fun with this peace and thanks, jimrie
You could always send them a picture of him sitting in a chair, holding the daily newspaper up with the date visible. That's what they use to prove kidnap victims are alive. You can add a demand for "ransom" from the CRA's.
I would send them a DEMAND letter for $1,000 to prevent a SMALL CLAIMS SUIT...BASED ON WILLFUL NEGLIGENCE.
all very good thoughts, hehe, i like the newspaper one you think that would be going to far if i did that? oh my, no, that's a stupid question, no it wouldn't be going to far with the cra hehe will let you know peace, jimrie