I just looked at CreditWatch.....last collection last negative GONE...score 2 days ago was 616 and NOW 700!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got denied about 2 weeks for citi AA because of that account, even tried reconsideration but they said they wanted a report, after my app w/o the collection account faxed before they would approve me......GOING TO FAX AND CALL!!!!! OMG I AM FINALLY PRIME!!!!!!! I have to have a prime card....who pulls only equifax? I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!! I guess that last estoppel letter worked...along with the C&D...right after (remember me freaking out about them calling my work after I just changed jobs too!!!) Sorry for the long post BUT I AM SO HAPPY....can't believe it!!! And this time last year...low low 500....WOW!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
OMG I still have my jaw on the floor....after the CA called my new job(how they got the # no idea) they were responding to my estoppel...I thought I'd be stuck forever in subprime...embarresed to use any of my cc's always...but now I can have a real one....I applied on 5/10 for AA...I don't even care about an inquiry if it'll get me instant approval...any suggestions about how I go about speaking with them would be GREAT!!!! I still can't believe it!!! I have....First Premier...closed hate them CCB 1250limit, getsmart(providian)500limit no balance since the 29.9, target600limit, and capital one1900limit(love them)-had 3 accounts that I combined into one...if they didn't pull all 3 reports I'd apply again for a no hassle! I just would LOVE a REAL PRIME CARD!!!
BTW THANKS EVERYONE....and to think I was getting ready to throw in the towel with that last CA!!! Boy am I glad I didn't......DOING THE HAPPY DANCE LIKE I WON THE LOTTO JACKPOT!!!!!
Good job soup, Don't have a heartattack jumping around.....at least wait til you get the card! Charlie
Woo HOO so happy...still...called reconsideration AGAIN...faxing my new "clean" updated report and will know the status within 5 days!!! Love, that was CA from dec. 2000 for a dentist bill...if or when you feel like giving up don't!! I was just there...my fico even in Jan took a hit...went all the way back down to 540 which is where I started....because providian started reporting(new account) and a couple of inq in addition to high limits on my TOY cards...of course the ratio's are ridiculous...my highest limit in Jan was $500...but to build credit you have to use it...anyway with that 1 CA being stubborn I thought I'd NEVER be prime...but HERE I AM...at least on 1 report...anyone know who else just pulls EQUIFAX?
what was removed...from memory all together... CO...authorized user acount 5-6 collection accounts, not cc but video, phone,actually can't even remember anything esle specifically right now...must be over whelmed with joy!! Stupid things!!