WARNING.......Privacy Guard

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sandie511, May 4, 2003.

  1. sandie511

    sandie511 Well-Known Member

    I just pulled my report from Privacy Guard and it gave me a HARD inquiry on TransUnion. I have been pulling my report for over a month now and this is the first time this happened.

    IPLACE.COM/CNSMRINFO.CO............... May 4, 2003

    Just to be sure it was not a cliché with just PG I checked my Worthknowing report and it is there as well.
  2. thetravele

    thetravele Well-Known Member

    There are multiple threads on this subject. I think they are having problems. I called them and told them about it. They will get back to me about it. Try calling them.
  3. gc

    gc Well-Known Member

    Same exact thing happened to me!!!! I will be applying for a mortgage tomorrow and I don't want to have this new inquiry on my trans union report. My TU fico is the lowest, so I need to get this taken care!

    I tried calling PG, but they're not open today. Do you know if they will delete this right away?


  4. gc

    gc Well-Known Member

    Same exact thing happened to me!!!! I will be applying for a mortgage tomorrow and I don't want to have this new inquiry on my trans union report. My TU fico is the lowest, so I need to get this taken care!

    I tried calling PG, but they're not open today. Do you know if they will delete this right away?


  5. daboy1da

    daboy1da Member

    WTF!!!!!!!!Same thing happend here.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    You MUST be applying for credit to get a "HARD"

    You get your own credit report...it MUST be a "SOFT"

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    There was the same problem a YEAR or TWO AGO!!!
  8. gc

    gc Well-Known Member

    Do you know how easy it is for them to get this fixed? I need to apply for a mortgage tomorrow! Ack!

    For those who had this happened to you, let's contact Privacy Guard tomorrow morning and make sure we apply enough pressure to them so they get it fixed asap. The more people who complain about this issue the better...

  9. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    I got two hards from them Yesterday and today when pulling privacy guard!!!
  10. moonpie

    moonpie Active Member

    The same thing happened to me too. I pulled my report yesterday and there was a hard inquiry on Transunion.
  11. Sheepshead

    Sheepshead Well-Known Member

    Ya know, when I was debating signing up for PG vs. CreditExpert from Experian, the CreditExpert CSR warned me about PG pulling the hard one. I thought she was just piling a bunch of sour grapes on me, but it looks as if she had a point.
  12. debtor_x

    debtor_x Well-Known Member

    I just had it happen to me this morning.
    I just made another thread before I saw this one, I am wondering if this is a TU or a PG thing?

    Has everyone elses hard been applied to the TU coulun?
  13. Sucker

    Sucker Well-Known Member

    It just happened to me, too! I'll call in the morning...
  14. ShanaD

    ShanaD Member

    Here too, got the HARD yesterday and today for both my husband and myself. I will also call tomorrow. This sucks!
  15. Nestea

    Nestea Well-Known Member

    I have got the same HARD as wll on TU!!!!

    Miscellaneous and public record
    May 4, 2003

  16. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    You have NOTHING to lose...all they can say is NO..."We will RE-CODE it as a SOFT"
  17. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member

    Same here, I got an IPLACE.COM/CNSMRINFO.COM on my TU report.

  18. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I sent them an email last night when this happened to me. It wasn't the most pleasant email I've written. The response email said I'd be contacted within 24 hours. Although no one has yet to call, they did remove the hard inquiry today.
  19. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    I now have 2 hards on TU. the 3 hours until they open cannot come fast enough.
  20. kelcol

    kelcol Well-Known Member

    Add me to PG's targeted list!! I emailed them and received the same as response LKH.

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