Hi all, I was just approved for the AmEx green card after being denied for the Delta Skymiles Gold card 3 weeks ago. Many thanks to the posts on this board that helped me achieve this success. My goal is to eventually get an AmEx Blue card, though I am happy to have my first "open charge account" in my credit mix. Questions to any and all who may know: 1. Is there any way to convert a charge card to a "credit" card within AmEx? If so, who do I need to call? 2. If I cannot convert a charge to a credit card, how long should it take me to become pre-approved for a credit product from the AmEx website? 3. Is membership rewards worth it? Pros and cons, anyone, about this program? Thanks in advance,
Congrats, Marci. You can't covert a charge card to a credit card, but in a year you can apply for almost any Amex product and get it as long as you keep a good standing with Amex. I had the corporate gold in 1998 and then applied for Blue in 1999 and got it. Again, congratulations and happy shopping. Dani
First of all....Congratulations. It is to my understanding that you cannot "crossover" a charge card to a credit card;you may be eligible for a credit card with one inquiry(that being the Amex Green charge inquiry). Or,you may wish to wait & see what you are preapproved for 4-6 mths down the line(you will either get a "preapproval" written,online,or both). Best wishes, Sister Girl(member since 99)
Congratulations Marci!!!! Answers, LOL 1. not that I know of or have heard. 2. 3-6 months - keep checking 3. wait and see what your average monthly charges are. mine are not as high as people who use the card for business travel (usually $1,000 or less), and after 2 or 3 months they gave me the rewards program free for the first year, retroactively, then when my account renewed it was only $15 a year.
Thanks Dani and Sistergirl for your support! I plan to use this card for "housekeeping expenses" only (i.e. recurring monthly charges, gas and utilities), but I'm thrilled that I was approved. I do think that it is true that credit standards for the charge cards are easier than those for the credit products. Breeze, Thanks for the information. If I can eventually get a MR offer for $15 a year, I'll take it. That was a great deal you got... Thanks again, ladies!
Marci, what was your score.....I am desperately trying to get out of sub-prime? And which report did they pull?
soup, I'm not sure, but they have usually pulled Equifax for me. And, a few weeks ago, the Scorepower score was 663. I have no serious delinquencies on the report, but I do have one REALLY bad tradeline from FCNB with multiple 30-60-90 day lates. The tradeline is incorrect, but I haven't taken the time to deal with it (AmEx told me this is the reason I was denied for their revolving cards). Other than that tradeline, I have two thirty day lates that are over two years old.
Congrats.........smart way to use your card to exercise your credit. I've been told that charge cards are easier to get then revolving......the magic number seems to be ~650.
Thanks, MP$40. You're right re underwriting standards. I got bold and applied for the Blue about an hour ago. Got a big fat "declined". Oh well, I'll wait a few more months for a pre-approval.
Really? Declined THAT fast????? Did it tell you on-line that you were declined or did you call? Sorry to hear that! :-(
Marci, don't make that mistake. Been there, done that. Wait. You will mess yourself up with inquiries.
Breeze, I know, I know! I should have waited. I have no one but myself to blame. Dang, I'm back on the wagon now. embarrased grin... MP$40, The screen said "7-10 days", but I've gotten that before and was declined. When I called a rep, she said that if I had been approved for the green, I should have been approved for the blue. I just hope the blue decline didn't screw up the green approval.
Marci, call 1-800-the card, if it says processing, you're still in the game. Do it quick it's only good during business hours.
Thanks, Breeze, for the phone number. Confirmed approval of the Green card. Confirmed denial of the Blue card. I spoke with a rep, who said that I was denied b/c my overall credit history was too short (this is true, since I've had so many older accounts deleted and 4 new accounts in the past 6 months). She told me to wait 6 months and apply again. The Green card should arrive in 7-14 days. Thanks again - and, yes, I'm on the wagon...I'm on the wagon...I'm on the wagon...I'm on the wagon...I'm on the wagon...I'm on the wagon...
Listen, being on the wagon has big rewards if you have a short credit history. The first 3 months you don't see much difference, then your score starts going up every few days. I promise, it's worth it. However, we all get that same giddiness, I think when we get that one big approval we've been looking forward to. Just keep telling yourself - I don't need that one yet.... Soon you will start feeling really good when you get a preapproval in the mail and don't apply.