Too Stupid For Words>>>

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kathycmh, Feb 19, 2003.

  1. kathycmh

    kathycmh Well-Known Member

    Okay long story...please bear with me.
    My husband has a collection for a veterinary hospital for 259.00 on all CR's. I called the vet's office to find out which pet he took in and never paid the bill for. They couldn't tell me...all the file said was an orange cat. I called my husband. Come to find out he did not take the pet of our "lovely", goody-two shoes nibby neighbors did. Was it our pet? NO! it was a stray cat that she ASSUMED was ours and took it in because it looked like it was ill. She gave my husbands name as the owner of the cat at the vets office and leaves. Did she knock on our door to ask about the cat? NO. Did the vet bother to call us to verify we were the owners? NO. The vet runs a gazillion tests on the animal to the tune of 259.00 and calls my husband to say he can pick up "his" cat. My husband is a smart man but in the common sense department he is a little out in left field admiring the gardenias. He goes to the vet and they bring out this cat. He says "that's not my cat" they say "your neighbor says it is" he finds out the neighbors name etc. The vet says "the cat can't stay here" my husband says "okay I'll take him and see if I can find out who it belongs to". A month later he gets the bill and calls them to tell them he is not paying the bill cause he didn't ask them to care for the cat and the cat is not his. They said because he signed the animal out of the hospital he assumed financial responsibility. My husband pitched all future bills that came. Now it is on his CR's and I wish I had a cat to clobber him with (I love animals...don't get me wrong and I would never hurt one) but......nevermind.

    Today I called the vet hospital. They say all they know is a "stray" was brought in and treated in 1997. Because of this being long ago they do not have any other documents (signatures, etc) I was afraid my husband signed something when he picked up the cat. If he did they no longer have it now. So if they can't provide a signed contract to me I know they can't provide one to the CA or a court in the case of a suit.

    So basically what they are doing is just letting it sit on the CR's to ruin his credit. I asked the CA why we had never gotten a bill and she said "we are so busy that sometimes we choose to not collect on some accounts. We report them and leave it at that." Covert credit trashing for bogus accounts is what I call it.

    Does anyone have a letter that will go straight for the jugular because I do NOT want to mess with the 30 days here and 30 days there to get this taken off.

    Any help/advise/insight would be greatly appreciated.


    P.S. Hubby is in the dog

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    If that does not work to remove it...DEMAND proof of ownership of the cat and proof of financial responsibility for the cat and proof of request for services from the VET...

    Since you said that they have no can "THREATEN" SMALL CLAIMS COURT ACTION...$1,000!!!

    Something has to work...

  3. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Hey Kathy,

    Is this IC Sytstems by any chance?
  4. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    Send in a validation request certified. Then the next day dispute with all 3 CRAS. If they verify it without marking in dispute you have them nailed.
  5. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Ok, here is kind of a kooky letter I sent to the Ca regarding a paid collection account for a furry family member. While yours is unpaid, there are some similar circumstances here.

    Prior to this letter, the CA had verified with the CRA, twice.

    The CA sent me a letter of deletion in two weeks after receipt of my letter.

    Oh, BTW, I really am a cat person, sometimes you just say anything for deletion,
  6. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Well, first of all nobody is going to be off proving who owns or does not own the silly cat and more so after so long of a time. The thing is probably dead by now anyway.

    Secondly the vet is the OC so unless you live in one of the states that has laws that make OCs liable under FDCPA any claim of a FDCPA violation isn't going to get anywhere. It might scare the Doc off but it isn't going to phase the CRAs one bit.

    So unless you live in the right state or you can scare the pants off the Doc you are going to be in for a rough time of it.
  7. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    That was the point of my letter to the CA. To portray it as a nutty situation, probably unprovable, and confuse them even more.

    It worked, I got my letter of deletion in two weeks.
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    If he don't pay they will probably repo the dead cat.

  9. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Just a cpl questions Kathy.

    Did you get the persons name to whom you spoke? The one that told you sometimes we don't try to collect, we just report.

    Also, Is it possible to get this nibby neighbor to sign a note that simply says she made a mistake assuming the cat was yours?

    Oh - You mentioned a CA. Is there a CA involved?


    We may have to get the cat to testify.
  10. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Try to get the neighbor, and the cat too, to sign a notarized affidavit with regards to the above note.

    You may have to bribe "Oscar" with a can a sardines.
  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>>

    Bill figures kitty is dead by now.
    You know the old saying dead cats tell no tails.
  12. spyguyjim

    spyguyjim Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>>

    I am looking at the reply above mine and the title of this thread...I think this might be the twilight zone. Maybe the lady with the dead puppy has been spying on us all these years under an assumed name?

    This board is very amusing. LMAO!!
  13. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>>

    Well, I am getting a little concerned.

    If there is any validity to the CA allegedly killing the puppy, I say this cat needs to be immediately placed in a witness protection program.

    The Vet or CA may have a **contract** out on the kitty.
  14. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>>

    Maybe the lady with the dead puppy has been spying on us.

    ``So you're thinking there might be a connection too! ~~
  15. spyguyjim

    spyguyjim Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>>

    I rest my case.
  16. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>>

    I'll tell you what isn't so amusing. I was typing a message and my computer locked up. So I rebooted and when it came back up it said I had been infected by a keylogger program.

    Well, I didn't figure that would be much of a problem but when I brought up my favorite anti-virus it would not let the scan button work. It had the anti-virus blocked so it would not work! Well, I rebooted into dos with a dos diskette and once dos was loaded I went in and found the executeable since I already knew where it was and I descrambled it and printed it out then found the sending computer's IP address and so now I know who sent it. Then I destroyed the executeable and rebooted thinking it was all over. But alas, it still would not let me run the scan so I had to do a work around to get it running. Pretty sophisticated keylooger.

    Its dead meat now and tomorrow I will go down and file a complaint under Oklahoma's newest section of the computer crimes act on the perp. We will see how much good it did the legislature to pass the durn thing.

    I guess that somebody thought this old geezer was too stupid to catch them or do anything about it if I did.

    Wrong! This old geezer didn't fall off this turnip wagon yesterday by any stretch of the imagination.
  17. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>>


    Go get em Bill.

  18. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>>

    I'll try to, Butch but I fully expect to run into a big problem in attempting to do so and that is a lazy bum of a DA who may very well try to tell me he can't or won't prosecute for whatever reason he can dream up.
  19. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>>

    Probably some cat lover did it to you. ;)
  20. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>>

    Yeah, Probably so. Didn't realize I have a big orange tomcat sitting here beside my chair just begging to be petted.

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