I think i'm about to scream....................... I followed THE GOOD DOCTOR'S ADVICE this morning. I just checked CE and...... 1 Hard Inquiry REMOVED AND... 7 Soft Inquiry REMOVED DOC - get your wife in the room because we at CreditNet must bow to our KING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy goodness, I did this about 7 hours ago - and one has already fallen off (granted it 22 months old - but still - bye, bye, bye!) We bow down to Doc!
Hard Inq, from 5/2000 - probably coincidence Soft Inq's, range from 8/2000 to 4/2001 - not coincidence good luck
My hard inquiry that's gone today was from 5/2000 too. Weird. I also have one soft that was from 4/2001. Keeping my fingers crossed for the rest. Hubby has one from 6/2000 gone. Maybe it automatically throws out the oldies.
Yeah, cuz mine haven't fallen off... and isn't it that only inquiries in the last 6 month affect your score?
I just checked and it shows it's being investigated. All of my inquiries are after 8/00 so maybe that makes a difference. I am praying that they all come off. I did the score simulator and if I get the inquires down to 4 then I can gain 20+ points. I have 10, I think.
GEORGE mentioned that when you were able to dispute online(without Doc's Trick), it took about 2 weeks to fall off. Someone else said it could take the full 30days. Keeping my fingers crossed!!
OK, OK, just just CE this morning and........ my score WENT UP 2 POINTS!! hey i'll take whatever I can get!!!! DOC, I think I LOVE you!!! lol
Re: DOC's TRICK WORKED ALREADY!!!!! Javan, you have inspired my bravery. Before, I would have never disputed all inquiries at once. My philosophy was "dispute one or two at a time." Well, last night I followed your lead. This morning IT WORKED ALREADY. Result -- THREE hard inquiries deleted and SEVEN soft inquiries deleted. Interestingly, all were over one year old. The newer ones still appear as "under investigation." I think we have learned something here -- they automatically delete inquiries over one year old, apparently without human intervention. We should call that one "Javan's Trickâ?¢" ! Thanks, Javan! Doc
Re: DOC's TRICK WORKED ALREADY!!!!! NO, NO, NO THANK YOU! Doc, got a question for you. Check the http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...ad.php?s=&goto=newpost&threadid=24380&pgnum=1 thread! Let me know your thoughts.
Re: DOC's TRICK WORKED ALREADY!!!!! Already had 17 inquiries deleted. Only one was hard 6/2000 Rest were soft, most recent was 3/01 - so I agree with Doc, one year old inquiries are automatically deleted Again - Doc is the man!!!
5 soft Providian inquiries removed already! Started yesterday AM. Date ranges 8/2000-4/2001. No hard inquiries gone yet, but I have faith!!!
Uh-oh. I disputed a few softs about an hour ago - one from10/00 has already gone from blue investigating status back to normal! hmmm. there is a chance i could have screwed up - i didnt want to wake up sleeping beauty in the next room. anybody else get such a result?
Mine are still blue. Although no score change due to the deletions (Only hard inquiry was 22 months old). Interesting tidbit: On CreditExpert using their score simulator, if I remove all the inquiries my score would jump from 649 to 690 (I currently have 8 inquiries from past 2 years). Now just need to find this trick for Equifax (Heh heh)... GT
Well it acts like it is in investigatory phase - when I try to do it again it says something like "Your account already reflects what you want" or something like that. Then it gave me some funcky full screen internal server error 500 so I said the hell with that! I can always play withit later if needbe and if back door is still there.