Upon Nave's suggestion. I'm starting a thread about which CC's do/don't blacklist you for chargeoffs, bankruptcy, how long, if ever, before they let you back on, etc. Please list which one's you know of, so that it can be added to the Faqs page. Thanks, humblemarc
Citibank 10yrs post B Sears - Forever Amex 7yrs, Charge Credit? This is my experience only. Others may differ. H
sears will blacklist you forever if you had a chargeoff with them? Would'nt it be hard to add specific cards to a list since we really don't know 'for sure' that they really blacklist people?
It seems Amex does that, but I know, as a living breathing bankrupt AMEX cardholder example, that they do not drop you when you file for bk necessarily. I didn't owe them anything, so they weren't included or even notified. They do, however, know because they pulled a credit report in error over a year ago.
RNB will black list you until you pay the charge off account then you can reapply in 90 days and will have been removed from the "black list"
I think Chase Manhatten has a blacklist and we are on it. Also, B of A. Over 5 years since our Chap 7 BK
Am an ex of AMEX after they charged off my green card in 1985. "Preapproved" was denied in 2002 because of it.
I had a Mervyn's card (RNB), and I applied for a Target card online. I was INSTANTLY denied, and they happily sent a collection letter and added the account back to my TU report on October 1st. How sweet of them! ESPECIALLY since it was over 7 years old. Disputed with TU (still under investigation), the rep I talked to told me they were going to remove it regardless in December.
even their tools, their ratchets suck and they won't replace them anymore (( you get new innards that you have to replace yourself ((( cor cor
What exactly qualifies one for a blacklist? I entered into a payment plan with my old Amex back in 98 or so. The account wasn't ever late and at the time I didn't realize that Amex would close the account when I did so. I paid it off quickly and haven't thought about it since really. So, would that blacklist me if I ever wanted to apply for an Amex in the future (ie a notation "closed by creditor" even though records should show I paid on time)? Or does a blacklist typically result from a BK or charge off only? Thanks! s