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Sherman Acquisitions

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by helpwanted, Feb 13, 2003.

  1. helpwanted

    helpwanted Well-Known Member

    I called Sherman today to find out why they are reporting a $402 account as being mine. I stayed on the phone for over an hour listening to this over and over again:

    Due to increased call volume, your estimated wait time is greater than 90 seconds. If you would like to continue to hold, press 1, if you would like to leave a message for a callback, press 2, thank you.

    If you press 2, it says Mailbox full, and won't allow you to leave a message and then hangs up on you.

    So I called back and waited and waited and waited...

    Finally I got an operator on the phone.

    She said the debt was purchased from AT&T Communications, and it was for a calling card from 1993. She said her information listed a last payment of July of 1993. I asked her how this could be on my credit reports when it is FAR past the 7 year reporting.

    Her exact answer was "It reports until 7 years from the date of chargeoff". Since the account was not charged off, it will continue to be reported.

    I asked her what I needed to do to have this removed. ( I hinted towards here sending me a fax number) so that I could dispute it like that, but she said I would have to write to:

    Alegis Group LP
    P.O. Box 10497
    Greenville, SC 29603

    Attn: Dispute Department

    This is crazy, I am calling Equifax right now to dispute it again! They have already verified it once!

    I also found out that Sherman has affiliations with OSI, Gulf State, Alegis Group, Resurgent Capital Services and Radian.

    Here are a few websites:

  2. helpwanted

    helpwanted Well-Known Member

    This is getting better and better. I disputed the account with the CRA over the phone. I had fun with them this time....

    They told me that it was ok to report the account since it had NOT been charged off. I told them that per the FDCPA and FCRA, this account should have never been placed on my report.

    They said the the DOLA was being reported as 2002. I told them that it was illegal and it should be removed immediately.

    They said "Well if the account was bought by Sherman and isn't being reported by AT&T, then it is ok to report it as a new debt."

    I told her "No that is illegal to reage an account even if it was purchased. And I began reading from the FCRA....

    Section § 605. Requirements relating to information contained in consumer reports..

    no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information:

    (4) Accounts placed for collection or charged to profit and loss which antedate the report by more than seven years.

    She said "Sir, I will add that to your dispute and we will dispute the DOLA"

    She sounded madder than I was............ lol
  3. psp in nm

    psp in nm Well-Known Member

    never underestimate the power of an informed consumer!!
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I stayed on the phone for over an hour listening to this over and over again:
    help wanted
    They were suffering from victim overload.

    The END ************************* LB 59
  5. notasaint

    notasaint Well-Known Member

    where is that 1-800 # for the turds? i have been searching for like an hour now. i called them a couple weeks ago, i think this # was in the carolinas or something.
  6. phantom

    phantom Well-Known Member

    The New York number is (212) 922-1616 (sorry, I don't know the 800 one.)
  7. kdj

    kdj Member

  8. notasaint

    notasaint Well-Known Member

    thanks so much, that is the one i had last time, and of course deleted cause i thought i was done with it. apparently with SA you are never done!!

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