Credit Protection Association, L.P. 800 Hingham #200.N. Rockland MA 02370 Fax: Sue Gilbert Executive Administrator Dear Ms. Gilbert, Yesterday I was unsuccessful in trying to remedy an incorrect item reported on my credit reports by your company. I called your company at 972-677-6305. I was transferred 4 times after the representatives asked me to hold while they check something. Surely you can understand how truly frustrating this has been. My situation is as follows: I ordered copies of my credit reports. An account your company is currently reporting: Account #XXXXXXXXXX, is reporting inaccurate information. I disputed the information with all 3 credit-reporting agencies. They say that they contacted your company and you have verified the erroneous information to be correct. They further asked me to contact you directly. As an example of one of the errors, the â??Collection Reportedâ? date is showing as 2003. This would seem impossible, as the same tradeline shows a zero balance as of 2002. There are many other inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the reporting as well such as the â??Date Assignedâ?, â??Balanceâ?, etc. Incorrect reporting is a violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. My rights as a consumer and your responsibilities as a Collection agency are clearly established in these laws. This incorrect reporting has gone on for over a year. This time frame has provided you with sufficient time to correct or update this information. The inaccurate reporting has adversely affected my credit rating. Therefore, I am asking that you kindly review your information on this account and resolve this matter ASAP by either correcting the tradeline or if that is not possible, fully delete the erroneous tradeline from all consumer reporting agencies you have reported to including, but not limited to, Equifax, Transunion, and Experian. Please provide written correspondence by email or U.S. mail showing this tradeline to be corrected and/or deleted. Respectfully, what do you think? I used dancerats letters to make this. I also found out about ms. gilbert from dancerat and is she still working for them? thanks for your input
bump for advice. i changed it a little. i'm on the fence whether or not to go nutcase route because of the direct contact. i called her today to verify her fax #. im real eager but dont want to do anything stupid let me know what you think. fweem!
yeah gonzo i hear ya i modified it a little, but am stayin with the same premise ms. gilbert actually sounded like a REAL person when i called her im gonna go for it tomorrow. im crossing my fingers and all that! i will let you all know the outcome! fweem!
The only thing I might caution you about, is that it sounds like you are willing to settle for them to keep reporting this TL, if they correct the dates and amounts. From what I have learned, the hard way, is that even a PAID Collection, with 0/Zero balance showing, is still a pretty BIG Negative. You should ask for deletion or imply that you will have to sue because of the damage. It sounds like this is a collection account that you paid off in the past, and my advice above is based on that assumption. FedUp2003
Letter to Pd Coll, THIS WORKED! I received a fax back 2 days later saying the tradeline will be deleted from all Credit Bureau's! special thanks to DanceRat fweem