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Board died day Equifax wiped me out

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by display68, Jan 30, 2004.

  1. display68

    display68 Member

    This board died the day I discovered Equifax deleted my entire credit history...after I contacted them for deleting a positive tradeline. Is this board up, or are we screwed?
  2. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    How ya doin with this situation Display?


  3. ithinkican

    ithinkican Well-Known Member

    Hey, Butch...it is ithinkican...when the board came back up, my screenname showed up as display68. Odd!

    At any rate, equifax was very UNFRIENDLY when I called and spoke regarding my deleted tradeline. They said I have to have Union Acceptance inform them to put it back on...well, they DON'T EXSIST ANYMORE! I noticed on my TU report the car loan lists as Union Acceptance/SST (the new company that holds the loan) so I called them...the gal I spoke with said "Oh, you have very good credit with us, and your Union Acceptance credit was good, too" so she connected me with credit dispute....one problem....the operator at SST said soooo many people have had this happen with Equifax, that the credit dispute dept can't keep up. She also said SST reports to Equifax and was confused why the SST tradeline wasn't on my report. Long story short, I spoke with another person at SST who had me fax my stuff to them and they promised they'd take care of it, but it might take 2 weeks because of the back up.

    Equifax was soooo professional, too..."We apologize that the tradeline was deleted, but it was listing incorrect information and we are required by law to delete inaccurate information"...even when I BEGGED them to re-insert the tradeline, they were professionally sweet but still said no way, jose.

    So, now I wait to see if SST is true to their word and fixes the situation...the person there said since they own Union Acceptance's files, they can have Equifax re-insert the tradeline and add the new SST one.

    Oh, Equifax also deleted my AMEX tradeline when I disputed the Union Acceptance tradeline...and I didn't dispute anything on it...that and my car loan were the only tradelines on it...so Equifax is unable to generate a FICO for me!

    EQ >> 0
  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    Eq has a habit of being vindictive. They do this crap on purpose.

    Even though SST does re-report the TL Eq. may have suppressed it. Especially if it's positive.

    They'll find a way to trash your report one way or another.

    Be sure you get a copy of the UDF.

    Keep us posted.

  5. ithinkican

    ithinkican Well-Known Member

    I believe they ARE vindictive...because when I asked to speak to a supervisor, the supervisor came on, heard my story, and said, "Well, you shouldn't have disputed the balance then, I guess."...I hate Equifax...was my lowest score, as well!
    How will lenders see this when my scores are TU 702, EXP 695 and Eq 0???? Will it look like I am smoking crack, or what????
  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Board died day Equifax wiped me out


    They will think Eq. is screwing something up and move to the next report.

    Until this gets resolved tell any creditor about this situation in advance. I'd do it in writing.

    The CRA's responsibility goes way beyond technical accuracy of that which is contained in your report.

    It rises to the level of ...


    Failing to report a good TL not only hurts the consumer, but our entire economy in general. If a creditor decides not to lend money because of this, you'll have damages [IMHO].

    Cheating a creditor out of an opportunity to conduct legitimate business may also be an Anti Trust issue. Restraint of trade.

    It may also be a RICO case.

    I'm workin on it - still.

    Personally, in an era of trying to get our economy back on track, sabotaging it becomes a national security issue. I believe the CRA's should be listed as terrorist organizations and treated thusly. But now we're getting ridiculous.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Board died day Equifax wiped me out


    WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!



  8. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Board died day Equifax wiped me out

    Hey, Butch, I like your idea. Prosecute the CRAs as terrorists. Maybe we can just lock them up forever and let us take over running the CRAs.

    How about--The CreditNet CRA?

    Of course, the creditors might not like it. They'd have to issue more prime and less sub-prime cards.
  9. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Board died day Equifax wiped me out

    GEORGE, all of your credit limits would be reported. We'd make sure you were in the 800 club!
  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Board died day Equifax wiped me out


    I have only been working for 20+ years to get it that way!!!! (AND I NEVER HAD A "BADDIE")
  11. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Board died day Equifax wiped me out

    Of course it will be 100% accurate. We're running it, aren't we? We could give you a management position.
  12. ithinkican

    ithinkican Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Board died day Equifax wiped me out

    Hey, guys...to update my situation. A very nice woman from SST's Credit Disputes department called me about my problem. She says SST has been reporting to Equifax since October 2003 (they took over Union Acceptance's accounts in May 2003) but they have "had problems with Equifax listing accounts incorrectly or not at all". She said they "sent tapes" to Equifax on Friday, Jan 30 and that my report should list, based on info SST provided to Equifax, as UAC closed (since SST owns the debt now) and the new tradeline as UAC/SST....so I'll see how that shows up on my report. She said SST verified the UAC account to Equifax , so that should put it back on my report....so I'll have to check to see if it is back on there. The SST employee was very nice, saying she'd check back with me in 2 weeks to make sure it was resolved and even offered to send a letter from them to give to lenders explaining the situation, if I needed that before Equifax fixed the problem.

    Now, how can Equifax explain this....this large company SST reporting to them, yet this not showing up on anyone's reports?

    So it strikes me as funny that equifax deletes tradelines because they claim they cannot verify them, yet they fail to list tradelines even though creditors are reporting to them. What also gets me is all the stress this caused me and the millions of others stuff like this has happened to....major things in life rely on that damn FICO score, yet who cares if your history is wiped out in a second?

    They really should teach a Credit Awareness or Credit Ed class at the community college....there is soooo much I had no idea about before I found this board.

    So...the saga continues. I'm still:

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