Now that I've filed my disputes with the CRAs, I've woken a sleeping dog and I need to know which letter is the appropriate one to send to them. (I've not requested validation from them yet.) Facts: 1. The SOL for collecting where the date occured is 2 years (CALIF) and it is 4 years past this. 2. There is one year left before it falls off of my CR. 3. It is a utility company. (If this matters) 4. It was listed on my BK 4 years ago. 5. The amount that they list on their letter following the below diatribe, is more than what is listed on the CR. The letter says "we have recently had a credit inquiry for information regarding the above collection account, which you still owe our client. Unfortunately, we have had to report that this bill is still outstanding. This will very likely cause a negative item remaining in your credit file. blah blah blah. Do I even ask for validation? Do I send them a C&D? Obviously I need to mention the SOCL, does time barred come into play here? Is this an ITS situation? What do I do to get rid of this flea?
It wouldn't be ITS-able until after they were C&D'ed or under a validation cease of collection activities. I would probably send them WhyChat's time barred C&D letter, get the cite for the SOL for CA (make sure its also out of the SOL for your current state as well), and fill it out. Were you in CA for the entire period of the SOL? Depending on how the states SOL is written, you may have paused the SOL when you moved. WhyChat has a letter to follow-up dispute with the CRA once they've been notified by the C&D. Or depending on the CRA which they are on, you may be able to do a regular dispute to see if they delete it then. I am preparing a larger post on the CRA side of the C&D request... *coming soon*
Thank you for the advice Jam. I looked at my state and it's a 6 year SOL state. Further, it says this: "Borrowing StatuteFor those moving to Mich. from a shorter SOL State) Claims brought in Michigan, by non-Michigan residents, for damages incurred outside this state are barred if the relevant statute of limitations of either Michigan or the state in which the cause of action accrued has run." So if I have this right, it defers me the Calif statute of 2 years. I lived in Calif until 1998. 2 months after DOLA, I moved to another state for 3 years. I've now lived in MI for another 2 years. How do I find out if I paused it? I will pull up WhyChat's letter that you recommended but I guess I first have to find out if I paused the SOL? When I first started this last month, I wasn't sure which end was up and I did a dispute with all 3 CRAs (didn't have your brain to pick yet <smile>)... it's from this dispute that I woke this dog. They are showing up on .... well shoot! I just looked at the CR and it looks like this CA is reporting to EXP and TU but another CA is reporting the SAME account to EQ & EXP. How can that be? (I know, dumb question.) Thanks for helping me on this Jam!
As long as the SOL began to toll in CA, then the borrowing statute should cover it. I would cite both the CA SOL & the current states borrowing statute as the relevant SOL... Look at what the CA SOL itself says.
Thank you again Jam! I have one more question, well maybe 3 but they're short. 1. Is it a violation to ask me for a different amount than they are reporting to the CRA? 2. The letter from them doesn't contain the mini-miranda, just a short "this communicaiton is from a debt collector" and has attached to it a payment coupon. As it's the first communication from them and they've not mini-mirandized, I fould a great letter that I'd like to use: XXXX Collection Agency 1313 Get Lost Lane Anytown USA 00000 Re: ______________ NOTICE OF INTENT TO SUE You are hereby put on notice that: 1. I am in receipt of a collection letter from you in the above cited matter dated Jul;y 9, 2004. This letter is "initial communication" as defined in Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Section 809(a) (herein called FDCPA). 2. This letter is in violation of FDCPA Section 809(a)(3), 809(a)(4) and 809(a)(5) in that the required portions of law have not been complied with, to wit: "(3) a statement that unless the consumer, within thirty days after receipt of the notice, disputes the validity of the debt, or any portion thereof, the debt will be assumed to be valid by the debt collector; (4) a statement that if the consumer notifies the debt collector in writing within the thirty-day period that the debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, the debt collector will obtain verification of the debt or a copy of a judgement against the consumer and a copy of such verification or judgement will be mailed to the consumer by the debt collector; and (5) a statement that, upon the consumer's written request within the thirty-day period, the debt collector will provide the consumer with the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor." 3. FDCPA Section 809 permits the required consumer warnings to be provided "within five days of the initial communication sent to the consumer..." This has not been done. 4. FDCPA Section 813(a)(2)(A) prescribes penalties for violation, to wit: "(a)Except as otherwise provided by this section, any debt collector who fails to comply with any provision of this title with respect to any person is liable to such person in an amount equal to the sum of - (1) any actual damage sustained by such person as a result of such failure; (2)(A) in the case of any action by an individual, such additional damages as the court may allow, but not exceeding $1000." 5. Since the illegal letter cited above is illegal on its face, a Class Action on behalf of a class of every consumer whom you have sent this illegal letter to in the past two years is a definite option. 6. There are several Court Cases which deal with the concept of "overshadowing" - which is the act of a Collector burying the required notification of consumers' rights under FDCPA so deep and so inconsequentially into communications that they are lost in the "pay this bill" message. I could make a strong case that the absence of the required consumer protection notices is in and of itself "overshadowing". (see Ost v. Collection Bureau, Inc., 493 F Supp 701 (D ND); Graziano v Harrison, 950 F 2d 107 (3rd Circuit, 1991); Miller v. Payco General American Credits, Inc., 943 F 2d 482 (4th Circuit, 1991) et seq. 7. You are hereby on notice that I demand you forward to me, within 21 days of the date of this letter, One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars as Liquidated Statutory Damages for the violation of my rights under law. Failure to comply will bring legal action to enforce my rights and this claim at any time after the twenty-one (21) days, without further notice to you. Sincerely, ME! Can I couple this in the same body with the C&D time-barred or do I need to send it under seperate cover? (No validation request needed right?) 3. I've been searching Why Chat's site - been there before, and I can't find anything that couples the C&D with the SOL. Any suggestions?
It depends on 'HOW' it is different. For instance, maybe the original agreement allows them to tack on 'interest' or some other fee, maybe they weren't reporting those changes monthly. Maybe the day they verified with the CRA was a day before they calculated the interest (if allowed) so they verified reporting last months interest, and when they wrote the letter to you, they included this months interest.
The problem with the never providing a 809 notice, is that they will claim, and probably have a copy (whether it is a real one, or a faked one who can tell)of a letter which they will say that their computer automatically printed, and was mailed on xx/xx/xxxx. It's a violation, but you just want to get it over with, also if this CA is older than a year old, then the violation could be outside of the SOL. Special Purpose Letters SPECIAL LETTER TO COLLECTION AGENCY NOTIFICATION OF SOL
If you do decide to ITS, I would do it *AFTER* you have gotten them to C&D, and gotten them off the report...
Well for 6 years, it's sat at $xx.oo Now that I've woken them up, they tagged on another $41.79 (like grabbing cloulds from the sky.)
Re: Re: Waking a sleeping time barred dog Thank you for your answers Jam! Can you clarify what you mean by "if this CA is older than a year old..." They've been the listed CA for an unknown about of time because until recently, I never pulled my CR. It IS the first time I've ever heard from them though. And REALLY.... THANK YOU Jam!!!
Re: Re: Waking a sleeping time barred dog If they could have been there for more than a year, they'll probably argue that the 'offense' of not providing the 809 notice was when they first were assigned or purchased the account. Actually, it isn't unusual... I had a trade line which was reported at around $400 (EQ showed $2 higher), when I disputed it, *THAT* was when they started reporting the 'interest' that they were charging. Over $200 worth...
Re: Re: Waking a sleeping time barred dog If they could have been there for more than a year, they'll probably argue that the 'offense' of not providing the 809 notice was when they first were assigned or purchased the account. Actually, it isn't unusual... I had a trade line which was reported at around $400 (EQ showed $2 higher), when I disputed it, *THAT* was when they started reporting the 'interest' that they were charging. Over $200 worth...
Thanks Jam! I think I'll send it and see..... considering that they're not exactly with it so far, they may just cough it up. Won't get a cha ching without asking right? <g> Thanks again!
But I would want to C&D, and get them off your reports before doing anything... Then you can open up communications for the sole purpose of your company's negotiating a settlement on your company's violations of the Fair Debts Collection Practices Act. AFTER you've gotten them disposed of...
Jam, would the time barred letter that you suggested yesterday be the same or do the same as the c&d?
This paragraph, if its applicable in your state makes it c&d - continued collection activity "Under the laws of my State,(statute # if available) continued collection activities, including reporting,verification or reinsertion of accounts. beyond their legal collection date to any consumer credit reporting agency, may be considered extortion and/or fraud and subject to criminal as well as civil prosecution." I did edit it a little bit the time that I sent the complete letter. You may like this verbiage a little bit better, since it relys only on the FDCPA compliance, and doesn't delve into the possibility of extortion or fraud... "As such, I am hereby demanding that any and all further collection activities and communications in this matter be ceased and desisted, in accordance with federal law." Mainly because I had a whole lot more that I needed to include after it (and before it), and wanted it to still fit on one page...
In the OP, there was something said about the debt being listed on BK paperwork. Was this debt discharged? If so they cannot report a balance, pull your file, or take any other legal action or they get to face the wrath of the BK court.
Re: Waking a sleeping time barred d If the debt was discharged in BK they face more than just the wrath of the BK court. That's also misrepresenting the legal status of a debt. Gib
Re: Re: Waking a sleeping time barred dog The answer to both questions is yes. They are also reporting a balance. So how do I get the wrath of the bk court on these people (I have several doing the same thing) or can I use that as leverage against them to delete?