Beating CA's at their own game

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Flyingifr, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    I think I found an effective way of dealing with CA's. So far it has been successful 5 out of 5 times with me.

    Here's how it goes:

    1. When the debt is about to be sent to the CA, send the OC a dispute letter CMRRR. Dispute the debt or part of the debt. The important thing is to have some dispute on record.

    2. When you get that first call or letter from the CA, send a CMRRR letter to the CA advising them that the matter is disputed. I have used the following wording in my letters and it seems to work every time:

    "You are now on notice that this debt is disputed. If you report it to a CRA and fail to include a dispute notation, I will sue. If you put yourself into the middle of the dispute, you may not be able to extract yourself from the dispute and its fallout so easily. I will vigorously enforce all my rights under both FDCPA and FCRA as well as Civil Law, Common Law and the Uniform Commercial Code."

    3. In 5 out of 5 cases that I have used this tactic in, the CA dropped the matter and I never heard from them again. Keep doing this with each CA the account is turned over to and you can run out the Statute of Limitations. There is ample evidence that FICO ignores trade lines with a dispute notation, so placing the account on a CRA with the dispute notation tends to nullify any negative effect the TL seems to have.

    4. Repeat the letter with every CA the OC turns the account over to - even collection attorneys. ESPECIALLY COLLECTION ATTORNEYS. The word "disputed debt" to a Collection Attorney means "Countersuit" and he will actually have to work for a living, and that this will not be a cheap, easy default judgement (those of you who have read the Flyingifr Method in Essentials at already know that no creditor will ever get a cheap, easy default judgement against you).

    Why does this work? Simple - the CA and the Collection Attorney have neither the ability to solve the dispute in house, nor the power to compel the OC to settle it. CA "A" does not turn its files over to CA "B", so the more CA's you have done this with on any given debt and that you have the records to prove it with, the better it looks for you in Court if it ever gets there. "Your Honor, six CA's and teh OC were all notified of my dispute and none did anything about it...." sounds pretty bad in Court for the OC and CA's. THIS, my friends, is the soft under-belly of the collection industry. THEY know it, and now YOU know it.
  2. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    I have this situation right now!!! I disputed with the oc and it immediately got sent to CA after they told me that they could not locate an account. Ooooohhh that makes me mad.
  3. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Well, now you know what to tell the CA in your validation request... :)
  4. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    Typing as we speak...or well, just typing.... LOL
  5. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

  6. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

  7. mommyof3

    mommyof3 Well-Known Member

    Your thread on AoC is so good. Thanks for posting it!

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