How long?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SilentBob, Oct 3, 2002.

  1. SilentBob

    SilentBob Well-Known Member

    I know having charge-offs and collection on your report are a bad thing. How long till they start not counting against you as much or does it count against you the whole time its on your report?
    Does a chargeoff from 1997 count against you as much as one from yesterday would?

    I have a couple of chargeoffs and collections from 97-2000 and I was wondering if this are still counting heavy against me. Since then I have about 6 or so positive line<r1's and I1's> since then and my score are hovering in the 575-550 range. I do know my 110% utilization rate is killing me and im taking steps now to get it in the 35-50% range.

    Im just wondering if its worth the time to get these older negatives removed and what wffect it would/could have on my scores

  2. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is WELL worth removing them. They aren't hurting you as bad as if they where fresh HOWEVER.. they are still hurting your score. I'm sure if you got those removed even with a high utilization, your score would probably be in the 630-660 range.

    Good Luck
  3. SilentBob

    SilentBob Well-Known Member

  4. SilentBob

    SilentBob Well-Known Member

    Bump bump

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