Online vs. US mail

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tothetop!, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. tothetop!

    tothetop! Well-Known Member

    In a book Im reading on credit, it states that the CRAs don't really care what your disputing letter states all they care about is verifying the information on your report.
    With this being said, is sending in a letter via US mail to the CRAs anymore effective then disputing online?
    Because if not, then why would I want to give the CRAs that extra time by using US mail?
  2. cajun1969

    cajun1969 Well-Known Member

    It really depends on your personal situation.I have zero negatives so I did my stuff online.Just basically updating accounts and personal info.If you think you may have to drag a creditor or credit bureau in court for improper reporting,it is best to use the written method.
  3. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Which medium you use depends upon the dispute reason. The on-line dispute systems list a limited menu of dispute reasons, and the "other" category gives you limited space to detail.

    If you are starting off, and disputing for just "never late or not mine", then use the on-line system. Just be sure to print copies and confirm numbers out for your records.

    As you evolve your repair process, you will find you may have to start submitting written disputes, so as to include evidence, or site reasons not listed on the on-line menus.
  4. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to echo the "proof factor" Sending disputes via certified mail with return receipt requested gives you a paper trail, you have proof that it arrived and was signed for. This could be valuable when some creditor says "We didn't receive that" You can say "Yes you did and I have proof."

    I have done some disputes online initially and have had good results. I have two however, that are being difficult and although they have been on hold for a bit since I moved I am ready to tackle them again. I will go the paper route this time. As a general rule, I used online disputes for all initially and then went the paper route for the difficult ones. But that is just me, everyone has thier own way of doing things.

    Overall it is a long and frustrating process. But the results are so worth it.
    Good luck!

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