I need a Bank Account

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jayce23, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. jayce23

    jayce23 Member

    I need some help. I have had multiple bank account seized by creditors who have used illegally obtained Judgments against me (fraudulent service). I am fighting the three judgments and am close to have two removed but I am still worried that the creditors will blanket mail the banks like they have done in the past and seize my assets. Is anyone aware if the online banks are less likely to served a judgment to find out if account of mine is there?

    Also, can other creditors see my credit report inquiries? I am wondering if i open a brokerage account with checking account abilities that might help but worried that the brokerage uses my credit to check ID and then the inquiry will show other creditors that I may have an account there?

    Thanks in advance
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Online bank accounts are always harder to find than ones held in brick and mortar banks.

    Also, any hard pulls should show up on your credit reports. So, if a creditor does pull your reports they should technically be able to see any 3rd party hard pulls you've recently had.

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