I don't know how they knew that it was me or that I was here in the first place. The point is that they tried to blackmail me. The post was nothing big. Basically after NCO was served the lawyer sent me a letter asking for my social and account number. In the post I simply stated that I wasn't going to send them anything since they should have it because they were reporting it and evidently had what they were asking for already. I said I was going to send a letter to their lawyer telling her to kiss my a**, but I stated it like that. Big deal. Didn't even print out the whole word. Never mind that I said nothing of the sort to the lawyer. When the judge asked me if I wrote it, I admitted I did. I told the truth. He had already caught them out there in lies and it was evidently a last ditch effort to make me look bad. Who did they think they were fooling? Hmmm. The plantiff had proof of everything she has said and has answered all questions truthfully. The defendant conveniently doesn't remember or doesn't have anything to support what they are saying and has lied quite a few times. Hmmm. I wonder.
While this stream-of-consciousness is exhilarating, I'm not getting half of it. One of the consequences (and, perhaps, the reason) we go to court is so the public, at large, can hear our case. It is recorded and remains in the records forever. So if you're going public, go public. The next time I'm in L.A., I'll look it up. No post under the name ttowns is returned from a search of "kiss my a**" in Straight Talk. So, I'm lost. Make a link to the infamous evidence. Will you, at least, give the name of the thread? I fell for THE "You MUST read" bit. Now that I'm here, how about answering some questions? The link will do for now.
LOL Greg, stream of consciousness, I like it! I believe this is the post, it is specific to NCO: "Posted by ttowns on 08.25.2002 10:57 Re: NCO Financial Systems Question... Well, I sued them. Yesterday I just received a letter from their lawyer asking me for my SS#. Oh, yeah, here it is. I'm sending her a letter tomorrow telling her to kiss my ass. J/K, but you know I'm not sending my SS#. They also sent me a letter that was from InoVision-Medclr-NCOP-NF, LLC.. NCO Financial Systems, Inc. What the f*ck? Never mind that this is for a check that had been stolen, but that they have already placed on my report and I have sent them a validation letter. And get THIS. They are offering me a settlement on it! As long as I pay it in the next 15 days. Oh, how wonderful they are. Motherf*ckers. I'll see them on the 6th. And I'm suing them as MedClr separately, too. I'm sending this to the FTC as well. Is everyone sending out their complaints? I think that Picantel has a wonderful idea. We should send a barrage of complaints about NCO to the FTC. Then they'll sue the living hell out of them. What do you guys think? There's strength in numbers, man." From this thread: http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?threadid=31862 It's enlightening just to do a search for all posts under ttowns to get an overall picture. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that isn't getting it. Sassy
She was stupid for giving that to the judge, because it proved her further to be a liar and gave even more credence to what I said in court. Can anyone find anything that the judge would see wrong? Didja see the J/K part? Whatever. 've had the most wonderful sense of calm over me since I left. I don't have a job to worry about... And G Fisher, what the hell are you talking about? What didn't you get from the first post? I believe that I made everything quite clear.
You go, girlfriend! Get them in every way possible. Stories like yours really inspire me. It's a cruel "credit world" out there, and it's people like you that are helping to change things. And to all the lurking "credit detectives"...BRING IT ON. You may think you can bully us, but it's us that will have the last laugh.
All I know is that you went to court about SOMETHING, and comedy ensued. What is your claim? Post it. Where is link I asked for?
First of all, you are always asking someone to prove something. I have nothing to prove. I already have my deletions and the cajones to sand up for myself and not let them run roughshod over me. Sassyinaz already posted the post in question above. Look before you leap. The problem was that I didn't owe the debt because when the account was closed I received a refund. Does that answer it all, King Greg? I don't back down to anyone, hon. Not to the CAs and not you. If you are going to attempt to challenge me, I won't respond to you. Goad me all you wish, but I don't have to answer a darn thing you ask for. And if you want to gather all of posts and send it to them, let me know and I'll get the addresses and names for ya. I have done nothing but help and share my experiences on this board. You have absolutely no reason to challenge me or what I say. As everyone knows, the court documents are public record. Want the links for those too? You're a friggin trip.
What the Judge learned from them tracking you down on the internet is this group of creditors has a vendetta against you. You proved they didn't comply with the law and when you called them on it, they tried to make your life miserable. Remember the Judge has discretion on how much of your claim to allow. If I was a Judge and saw a clear case, and that these big companies were out for the little guy, the little guy would win what they asked for. Judges have experienced this sometime in their life too. How much was your claim for?
Even if it is not stated...YOUR WORDS MAY BE COPYRIGHTED WHEN IT IS TYPED HERE... ***PBM NEEDS MONEY*** Ask them if they got written permission from PBM to access and copy the printed words...
That sounds so familiar. Where have I heard that before? Lemme see... Think, think, think... AhYes! I resemble that remark!!!
Let me get this right: You said you have nothing to prove, but keep posting and say you stand up for yourself. You told me to look before I leap. Indeed, before I hastened to any conclusions, I asked for the thread because you said: "In the post I simply stated that I wasn't going to send them anything since they should have it because they were reporting it and evidently had what they were asking for already. I said I was going to send a letter to their lawyer telling her to kiss my a**, but I stated it like that. Big deal. Didn't even print out the whole word." I searched for "kiss my a**" exactly as you "stated it" and found nothing. So, now that we have a confirmation (finally, as of your last message) of which thread you were referring, were you lying then about printing out the whole word, or did you just forget? I was in the army, so I know how to swear, but I choose not to. And even if I was to try to meet you on your level, I would probably look bad in comparison: Apparently you've been in the navy. The problem was that I didn't owe the debt because when the account was closed I received a refund. Does that answer it all, King Greg? No. And I prefer "Your Majesty." So, to try to drag it out of you, here: Who was the credit card company, Providian? You said, "I went to court today with Providian" on the 27th. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=228844#post228844 Does this case concern a credit card debt with Providian? Did you not pay it so that it became a collection? And if you want to gather all of posts and send it to them, let me know and I'll get the addresses and names for ya. I probably won't spend any time or money giving them something that they have demonstrated the ability to get on their own, but depending on how things turn out, I might write to them for their response to your statements-- particularly if I have... As everyone knows, the court documents are public record. Want the links for those too? ... the judge's decision. The documents are on the Internet? That's good for education of the public. Yes, what is the address? I have done nothing but help and share my experiences on this board. Get over yourself. You've been here for a whole 45 days. Share the documents. If you are going to attempt to challenge me, I won't respond to you. You just did, so you're not making any sense. I think you're just a poor communicator, and this whole discussion is about credibility. You may win your case, but look bad because of your incoherent rantings, (in one case, calling the defendants "Motherf*ckers" (http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=228152#post228152))which will affect the judge's decision and, possibly, your award. I know this must be surreal for you, but the notion of anonymity on the Internet shouldn't be taken for granted or depended upon. Others can learn a lesson from your experience. Art has met life; This mere message board has affected your court case.
GFisher, this close to September 11 it is a shame that you need to attack another American who is fighting to protect the laws this country provides in our pursuit of happiness. If you are not going to stand next to me and fight the illegally operating credit card companies and collection agencies, then shut up. Show THAT to them, too, you turncoat. By the way, I will no longer be reading any of your posts. Yes, I have that much self-control.
He's not attacking you, he just doesn't ask politely, hahahaha!! Have you seen his sites? He has a media war going with "them," and he wants the details of your situation, but you are not posting enough detail for him, since he doesn't follow all the threads all the time. Greg's been around a while, he's OK. He will probably help you if you give him the details, but I can sure understand your reaction. He assumes everyone knows who he is, I think. Whatever.... http://creditscoring.com http://creditaccuracy.com
For everyone else, just to clarify for anyone that doesn't understand how I got to the point of court, here is a synopsis of sorts(I don't care WHO sees, the proof is irrefutable and they can continue to lie if they want. Except for Providian, the judge has seen it already): Providian- the account was fraud. They FINALLY did their own investigation and came to this conclusion themselves. I had to file suit to get them to take it off, though. I had been attempting to have the erroneous tradeline removed for months. They ignored me until I threatened to sue. Long story short, they were the only neg on of my reports and caused me damages that they now do not want to pay. Next court date is Oct 19(continuance) NCO-utility bill I didn't owe because they sent me a refund of my deposit after moving out. NCO ignored me completely until I sued(6 months). The collections came off due to my disputes. My credibility with the judge was to the point that when the NCO rep(1st case, mind you) asked where the copy of the check was, he answered for me. He told her that it had been over 2 years, so I wouldn't still have a copy of the check. No questions. Negligent. IC System-beeper bill from my mother using my info(she did that a lot). They sent the collection notices it to HER address, not mine and didn't bother to attempt any contact since 1996. I initiated the contact. The rep cooked her bum when she steadfastly maintained that they regularly report it to all 3 CRAs. Yet, it had never been reported on my TU, they reported it to EQ after receiving my validation request and verified it with EXP. It was never placed as in dispute, and the letter from their lawyer outright LIED about EVERYTHING(least of all about how they sent the aforementioned collection letters to my present address in 1996-I only moved to Cali in 2000). Negligent and willful. Genesis-another account thanks to my wonderful mother. They too ignored me for months until I threatened to sue. Then they took over a month to get the account deleted, not to mention they led me to believe that they could get the OCs listing deleted when they could not. And they placed the account back on Equifax for a few days after deleting it(How did THAT happen? Hmmm) Negligent and willful. I trust that this is sufficient to explain how I ended up in court. I just read the above post. GFisher, I will go to your sites and check them out. If I am wrong about you, I apologize. However, you are quite abrasive and that it prohibiting us from working together on this. Since I have filed the cases and faced them in court, it is evident that I am not scared to go up against the companies. Not once have you told me why you are asking for the information from me. If you had explained who you were and that you would like to add my cases to your files, I would have had them messengered to you if necessary. If you are in the Los Angeles area, you could come to court if you have the time.
That's a good point where most people are concerned, I think. In my case, that was neither the reason nor the consequence of my bringing small claims suits against the three CRAs. I followed the Lizardking model posted here in 2001 (Lizardking's Trickâ?¢? lol); it was my intention to bring the lawsuits so that they would be inclined to settle long before the public hearing. Since I had each of the CRAs on several FCRA violations, each one did indeed settle. I asked for clean credit reports (my reason) rather than money, and that was indeed what happened (my consequence). I was not attempting to make a point, nor was I trying to make life better for others, nor did I seek to improve our legal system. Rather, I simply wanted clean credit reports so that I would qualify for the best mortgage rates, which provided yet another reason and (thankfully) consequence for my selfish activities. Doc
I'm still trying to get over IC Systems sending a 21 year old. How much could she POSSIBLY know about the law? Is she even out of her undergrad? lol Great job ttowns. You inspire many!
Thank you all so much for the support. Even though we don't know one another, it is nice to know that you aren't in this by yourself, because as you know it CAN feel that way. And I don't know how old she was, but she was wearing a Little House on the Prarie skirt, a t-shirt, no makeup and Birkenstocks if that tells you anything. If it gets to the point of suing, just have all of your ducks in a row and your evidence on hand. Hard to believe that companies give these people business. They were so unorganized. How the heck they profit in the hundreds of millions is beyond me.
Yeah, I'm a raving lunatic now, right? No, you're always one-- in all your messages in all threads. You sweared at me, told me I'm a "friggin trip," questioned my patriotism, and told me to shut up. Then you have the audacity to assume that I want to "work" with you.